"You messed up"

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"I think.."

Back to present day:
Daniel POV~

"I think.. I don't know what to say," I say. I begin tearing up. I try and hold in the tears but it doesn't work so I start to cry.
"Baby, we didn't kiss, I would never hurt you like that. I love you and I think I was mad at you and when I'm mad bad things happen, you know that," Hayley says. That is true, she does get mad and do bad things but she regrets it right after she does it. At least she told me, I mean, girls I dated in the past lied to me and never told me anything. I am thankful that Hayley told me, so I guess I can forgive her.
"It's.. okay. As long as it doesn't happen again, thank you for telling me the truth," I say.
"Of course I told you, I would never lie to you. I love you baby, and please don't hurt Corbyn."
"I won't," I reply. Corbyn is one of my best friends, though he is trying to still my girlfriend, which I hate. I get jealous easily and I am trying to fix that.

Hayley POV~

Thank god he forgave me, I wouldn't know what to do without him. I could never live without him, he's amazing. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

3rd Person POV~

Daniel forgave Hayley, which was good. Though deep down inside Daniel thinks it wasn't a good idea.  He feels like they should talk about it. But for now, it is hard for him to talk about it.

Daniel loves Hayley with all of his heart. He even thinks about spending the rest of his life with him. He thinks about his future and every time he thinks about it, Hayley is there with him, supporting him through everything. Though, it was going to be hard to forgive Hayley 100%, he'll try his hardest.

Daniel POV~

"I have to get ready to get ready for the day and I have to leave soon to go to the studio," I say.
"Okay, I'll let you get ready," Hayley replies. I get up of off the ground and peck her lips. There's only one way to show her that I am hers and the only one to get to kiss her. The only way I could do that is, sex. I was a fuck boy in High School. I would sleep with a girl almost everyday. I am surprised I didn't get STD's or get a girl pregnant. Thank god, I found Hayley, she changed me, a way no other girl could. Girls would date me and try to change the fact that I would do every girl, it never worked.

But when I met Hayley that all changed. She made me a better person, and she still does. I love that girl more then words describe and someday I will be calling her Mrs. Seavey. I can't wait for that day.

"I'm going to let you get ready, I'll be downstairs," Hayley said.
"Wait, I'm taking a shower," I say hoping she gets the 'memo'.
"So?.. Ohhhh," She says, getting the memo.
"There's only one way to show you that I am the only one that gets to kiss you."
"Baby, you don't have to show me, I already know. That was a mistake and we didn't even kiss," She replies. I know that, obviously but I guess I'm just thinking that she'll leave me for someone else, especially one of my friends. I know she loves me and she'll do anything for me. That's why I love her.
"In plus, you have to be on the studio in 10 minutes, so you better hurry up," dang it, she's right. Oh well, I'll have my night with her.

I also have all day tomorrow, we don't have to be at the studio so I will plan something special for her to show how much I appreciate her.

3rd Person POV~

Hayley will do anything for Daniel, even if it's killing someone, just kidding. I hope. Anyway, Hayley also loves Daniel with all her heart. She hated herself for days after what Corbyn and her almost did. She tried to forgive herself but that would be hard. especially since she hurt the love of her life. Daniel and Hayley is endgame, some might say. They do everything together wether it's work or just simply figuring out what to do all day.

5 Boys, 1 Girl, Don't Let Jealously Get To YouOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant