Glitter and Perfume

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Hayley POV~

As soon as I walk in the door I see Daniel and a girl. Daniel looked happy, he was smiling at times, when there was no kissing. He hasn't noticed me in the door way. They kept kissing and they didn't stop.

Until, I clear my throat and that definitely got their attention. Daniels blue eyes go wide, and the girl looks annoyed. She was also confused, she seemed nice though, I was not thinking about if she was nice, especially since she was kissing my boyfriend.

Jack was right, he was always right. Why didn't I listen to him?

"Hayley.." I feel a tear running down my cheek. "It's not what it looks like," Daniel continues.
"Really? It's not what it looks like? Because, it kind of looks like you were making out with a girl, that last time I checked IS NOT ME!" I scream the last part and the boys run up the stairs.
"And you even had the boys try to stop, so yes I think it is what you look like."
"Who's this bitch?" The blonde haired girl, that I don't know her name, nor, did I want to know her name, asked.
"She's my girlfriend, Alexis." Of course it's Alexis, who else would it be.
"Haha let me fix that error for you, Daniel. WAS your girlfriend. Now, i'm done with you and your friends. I'm done!" I run downstairs and grab my stuff without looking behind me.
"Hayley, Hayley, HAYLEY WAIT," Daniel screams as I run downstairs.

I get home and go straight to the bathroom. I knew I shouldn't have forgave him, but I loved him. I open my cabinet and find a razor. I cut myself 4 times on my arm, I wince in pain but i'm fine because the boys aren't here. I locked the door so if they do try and come, they can't. I never gave them a key, and i'm glad I didn't.

I start to bleed but I put vaseline on it so it stops the blood. Next, I put a bandage on each of the cuts and I sit down on the ground, realizing the mistake I made.

I picked Daniel over Jack.

What a rookie mistake. Should I call Jack? I don't think I can, he'll want to know why I have bandages on. So, I decide not to. I cry.

I look out my window and realize the sun is rising. Have I really been crying all night? Over a stupid boy?

I decide to get some rest. Then I realize, i'm a model and i'm going to have scars, crap. I guess that's what make up is for.

I go to sleep, but then I suddenly wake up. I feel something wet on my bed. I look at my no longer white sheets. There's blood everywhere, am I on my period or is it my cuts? I go to the bathroom and I pull down my underwear and see blood, oh thank god, it's just my period. Did I really want to die?

I hear a knock on my door so I quickly put a tampon in and I look in the mirror. I see my red puffy cheeks, I rinse off my face but you can still see my red cheeks. They knock on the door again and I get annoyed partly because of them but mostly because of Daniel.

I open the door and see him, the curly haired boy. I quickly slam the door and lock it. I realize I have a short sleeve shirt on so you can see my cuts and bandages, what a noob I am.

I put on a sweatshirt and see I have some of Daniels sweatshirts, I've decided that I'm going to put them in a box and spray a bunch of my perfume on it. I don't think that's enough so I put a bunch of pink glitter all over them. I close the box and write: "Daniel Seavey Is Trash And So Is His Stuff So Enjoy This Present For You, Love But Not Love Because I Don't Love You, Hayley A Queen That Doesn't Need A Stupid Boy, Like You."

Damn, I really put a whole paragraph on the box. Oh well, it's true I am a queen and I don't need him. I'm better off without him. I grab my keys and head out the door. I get to the Why Don't We house and I put the box in front of the door. I ring the door bell and run and get in my car and leave before anyone could see me.

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