The Angel or The Devil

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I look over to see.. Jack in my bed.

Back to present day
Hayley POV~

Jack Avery, Daniels friend and band mate, is in my bed. Oh no. What do I do? I need to wake him up and tell him to leave. So that's what I did, well I woke him up but I didn't tell him to leave.
"Jack.. Jack.. Jack... JACK WAKE UP," I scream the last part so he could get up. He wakes up and says, "What? Oh hey Hayley."
"What happened last night?" I only ask because I was completely drunk.
"Oh last night? We had sex."
"WHAT!" I scream louder then I did to wake up Jack.
"You need to leave," I say pointing to the door.
"Wait before I go I need to talk to you," he says walking to the other side of the bed to get his clothes. I put my hands over my eyes.
"Move you're hands. You've seen it all before," he chuckles.
"Yes but I was drunk."
"You'll remember it, trust me," he says grabbing his shirt, underwear, and pants.
"Anyway, what do you need to talk to me about," I say as he gets dressed.
"Well, let me sit down first."
"Okay?" I question him.
"Well.. I am in love with you. I've always been in love with you, I know you love Daniel and I understand that but he's not right for you and some day you're going to realize that. Listen, he doesn't treat you right. I know you think that he does but trust me, he doesn't. He's you're first love so you don't know that it could get better but it can." He says staring to my eyes.
"..O..Oh Okay," I say in a confused tone.
"So, I was wondering if you want to go on a date?"
"I'm still dat-."
"I don't need an answer right now. Just think about it."
"I love Dan-."
"Just think about it, please."
"..Okay but I'll probably say no."
"We'll see about that, goodbye Hayley," he says winking to me as he opens the door.
"Goodbye Jack."

3rd Person POV~

Hayley and Daniel did not break up, but they're not talking. That's got Hayley confused. She is also confused about Jack. Why did he say we'll see about that? Hayley has a long day ahead of her, so she doesn't have time to think about Jack or Daniel.

Hayley has her first photo shoot as a model today. She is a model for Vogue. Modeling was Hayley's passion ever since she was little. She would dress up in her moms clothes and pretend to be in a runway show. She loves modeling and she's got the perfect body for it.

Though, Hayley was busy today, she'll still probably think about Jack or Daniel. Hayley was also confused about why Daniel had called her that. Maybe it was true, she thought. Her and Corbyn kissed and she also slept with Jack. What's next, going on a date with Zach? She loved Daniel even though he called her that.

She starts to think, is Jack right? Does he not treat me right? Could it get better? She doesn't know if he's right or if he's just trying to get in her pants, again.

Whilst Hayley was getting her hair and makeup done she thinks about her life. Is she making the right decisions? Hayley thinks about what she does before doing so, but Daniel was the other way around. He would say or do something without thinking about it first. That's what happened when he called her a slut, right?

While Hayley was modeling, back at the Why Don't We house, Daniel was crying into his pillow as he thought about what happened yesterday. He hates himself for what he had done. He hurt Hayley which meant he had hurt the love of his young life.

Daniel POV~

I wake up and the first thing I do is cry into my pillow. I grab my other pillow on the left, it was Hayleys pillow and it smells exactly like her.  I grab it and pull it into my chest. I cuddle and cradle it in my arms. I cry for several minutes until I hear a knock on my door.
"Come in," I say. All of my band mates come in and sit on my bed.
"How are you doing?" Jonah asks, siting next to me.
"How am I doing? Hmm, I don't know I just broke the love of my life's heart and she left me," I say to them. They all look at me.
"I'm so sorry Daniel," Zach says.
"Whatever," I say and roll my eyes.
"Geez, why are being so mean to us," Jack asks.
"I don't know, sorry. I just miss Hayley," I reply.
"Oh. That's what we can to talk to you about."
"Well we want to know if you're still dating her," Corbyn says getting straight to the point.
"Well.. I.. Maybe.. I don't know. We haven't talked since yesterday."
"Oh well, you probably should talk to her. She's probably confused," Corbyn says, looking around the room.
"Wow, she did take everything," Corbyn continues.
"Yeah.. Should I text her?"
"Yes," I hear them say as I look at my phone.
"Bye," they say as they head out of my room.

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