Calm Your Tits

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Hayley POV~

I hear a slight buzz and I wake up, it was a fucking bee, I hate bees. I started to scream and I woke up Daniel. He fell of the bed and I died laughing.

I saw the bee again so I screamed louder this time the boys came running.
"OMG IS EVERYTHING OKAY," Corbyn yells with a husky morning voice. They slam open the door and look at us. Daniel is still on the ground, I am on the bed sitting up and looking at them.
"Calm you're tits down, I just saw a fucking bee," I say laughing. Daniel starts to laugh which causes me to laugh harder. His laugh is raspy, especially in the morning, it's the most adorable thing i've ever heard, to be honest.
"Oh my god, I thought someone was being murdered," Jack says.
"Nope, but this bee WILL be murdered," I reply, making the boys laugh. I quickly grab one of my grey crocs and smack the bee, I killed it, thank god.
"There, I got it, I hate bees so much."
"Yeah we know," they say. Daniel is still on the ground so he gets up and brush's his shoulders.
"Are you okay, Dani," I say laughing.
"Yes baby, i'm fine. I just fell because you scared the living shit out of me," he stated.
"Oh sorry 'bout that," I laugh. The boys start to laugh, too.

I check the time and see it is 9:30 am. At least it wasn't 2:00 am.
"It's 9:30 am, I'm going to shower and get ready."
"Okay," they say.
"What are we doing today? I need to know what to wear, how to do my hair and makeup."
"Ugh, girls, am I right?" Daniel asks rolling his eyes. "We have to go to the studio today," Daniel says.
"Okay then I will be lazy today and watch something with either Tom Holland or Matthew Gray Gubler in it," I reply. I love them. Aren't they hot?
"Okay just don't jack off to them," Daniel says playfully smirking.
"No promises," I reply smirking. The boys froze and their eyes widening.
"Wait what? I was joking," Daniel says.
"Lmao you're faces, I was kidding."
"Oh thank g-"
"Maybe," I say before he can finish his sentence. I run into the bathroom before he could say anything.

Zach POV~

"Wait what the heck just happened, I'm confused?" I ask looking up at Daniel.
"Zach, you're always confused," Jack says.
"Well, Hayley saw a bee and she screamed. You guys thought someone was being murdered so you guys ran in he-,"
"Yeah, I know that part, Daniel, but the part about her 'jacking' off to two famous actors."
"Oh yeah she loves Matthew and Tom," Daniel says shrugging.
"Oh.. okay?" I say still confused. But I do agree with her, if I was gay than I would totally 'jack' off to Tom Holland, that guy is one fine fella.

Daniel POV~

I woke up to Hayley screaming, I got scared and jumped and fell off my bed. She starts to laugh but that really hurt my back so I don't get up for awhile.

Next thing I know is we are talking about her 'jacking' off to Tom Holland and Matthew Gray Gubler. I don't really mind it, it's kinda hot. Though, I know she's not actually going to jack off to them. It's an inside joke that me and her have. The boys were confused, which made me giggle. They don't know our inside jokes, and we have many of them. Ever since we met we had made so many funny memories which turn into inside jokes. We promised not to tell other people out inside jokes, then they would be ruined.

They boys left our (me and Hayleys) room and went downstairs. Hayley is still in the shower so I decide that I will just wait to take a shower after we go to the studio. I still have to tell the boys that Hayley agreed to be our assistant. We all decided it would make our lives a little easier to have an assistant. We didn't want some random person to be our assistant, people who don't know us have a lot to learn so we just realized Hayley didn't have a job so they asked me to ask her.

Anyway, I go downstairs and see Jonah and Corbyn making breakfast. Zach is watching Spongebob, typical, I mentally roll my eyes. Jack is sitting by Zach but looking at Instagram. I sneak behind the couch to spy on Jack to see who he is stalking on Instagram. Every time Jack is on Insta he's usually stalking Selena Gomez. But when I got closer I see him stalking Hayley. Wow, Jack too. I thought only Jonah and Corbyn liked Hayley, whatever. As long as he doesn't flirt with Hayley. Jack is a flirtatious guy so he basically flirts with every girl he finds attractive and the girls usually fall for him, it's stupid but Hayleys not the type to fall for those guys, she's smarter then that which is good.

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