chapter 38: Night terror

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-Dream start-
You're about five years old and are at the daycare. You're the only human there, you lived in a part of the city that monsters mostly were. You had a pretty purple dress on that day. You'd told your mom you were going to play princess at daycare today. 
"(Y/N)!" You hear Inky yell. He drags Sans over to you. You giggle at your best friend and he hugs you. 
"Inky! Its about time you came over! I can't play princess by myself!" 
"Sorry sunshine. Sans was being a lazy bone." The three of you laugh. Soon you pretend to faint. "What's wrong??"
"I have been cursed. Only the kiss of my true love will wake me." You say but the scene changes. It's your sixth birthday now. You're running around with Sans while Inky is sitting drawing stuff. He should be playing with you!
"What's wrong?" Sans asks. Abyss, Jazzy, Comet, Red, Dream, Nightmare, Blue, Rus and Paps are all there too.
"Inky wont play!" You say with a huff. "He wont even take a picture with me! And it's my birthday!"
"Why not bribe him?" Red asks.
"Bribe?" You ask confused. 
"Tell him you'll do something he really wants in return." Red says.
"Oh! Okay! Sansy let's go!" you grab Sans by the hand and drag him with you. "Inky!" He looks up at you. "Come on! Let's take the picture!" A six year old you whined. It was your birthday and wanted a picture with your favourite skeletons. 
"But I don't like pictures… you know that (Y/N)." Ink says and you sigh.
"Weeeeell I was going to let you draw me if you took one with us but I guess that isn't happening." You smirk as he ducks under your arm and hugs you."
"You really will?!" He asks and you laugh.
"Of course." Sans comes over and you slung an arm over his shoulders and pull Ink closer to you by his skull. Everyone starts to laugh and there was a flash.
The scene changes again. You were nine this time and you'd just finished unpacking. You were sitting down in the basement playing the guitar mom and dad had gotten you for your birthday that just passed. Cammie was out to the movies. You were singing a song with it when suddenly mom is down in the basement. 
"(Y/N)! Hurry we have to go!" 
"Mama? What's going on?"
"Hurry sweetie!" She takes your hand and runs up the stairs.
"Do you have her?" Dad asks.
"Shes here!"
You look around to see bright orange flames and black smoke everywhere. You got scared. The house was old but mom and dad got it because of how nice it was. You run towards the door with your parents right behind you. The fire was spreading too fast and soon the ceiling falls in. You look up in fear but dad pushes you out of the way. You see it fall on him and mom.
"MAMA! PAPA!" You scream out. You see a fire truck pull up through the window and go to run out the door but another piece of ceiling fall on you. You start screaming from the pain. Yelling for your parents. The piece of ceiling is thrown off of you but you continue to scream. Suddenly you feel shaking.
-Dream end-
You roll off your bed screaming bloody murder. You back up to see Red there. He must have woke you up. Edge was looking in from the doorway while Clover was rushing to you. 
"Shhhhhh, sweetie it was just a dream." She hugs you and you whimper. 
"I….. I-It was……. I-I can't……" you start coughing hard and hear Red on the phone. You suddenly feel two pairs or skeletal arms wrapped around your waist.
"Hey, it's alright." You hear Dream on your right side.
"You're safe." You hear Nightmare say in a softer, more soothing voice. You start to cry harder and get out of their grasp. You walk over to the picture of your parents and hold it to your chest. 
"Did you have the dream about the fire again?" Clover asks. You nod frantically. There's a crack of magic and you're pulled into another pair of arms. You smell pine and know that its Sans. He gently runs his phalanges in circles on the back of your neck in a calming manner like your mom used to. 
"Heya starshine. Bad dream?" You nod. "Want some tea?" You nod again. Dream comes over and takes you to your bed. Sans goes down stairs to make you the tea.
Suddenly you feel the sadness start to go away. You look at Dream and see his eyes lit up with magic. Your soul is pulled from your chest. There was a golden light wrapped around a bright green heart. There was one dark line running through it.
"I-is that my soul?..." you ask softly. 
"It is, its a beautiful shade, don't you think?" You nod softly.
"W-what is that dark line?"
"Its a scar…. one caused by great hardships…. Yesterday it wasn't so dark."
"W-why is it now?....." you cuddle the picture of your parents. 
"Probably the bad dream you had. Well, more of a bad memory if I had to guess."
" didn't start off bad……"
"Oh?" Nightmare asks. He sits next to his brother. Edge cautiously comes into your room and watches you. You chuckle sadly. Dream hugs you tighter, sending you more positive emotions. 
"It started off one day at daycare……. the day I decided to play princess with everyone….. then changed to the day of my sixth birthday…… the whole gang was there….." Sans comes in and hands you the tea. You give him a grateful look and take a sip of it. You sigh in content. Dream  calms you enough and lets your soul return to your body. "Ink was busy drawing flowers and stuff instead of playing...... I got upset at that so…" you look over at Red. "You, Red, said I should bribe him into taking a picture….." he chuckles and you smile. You notice Edge sitting next to him and take a little sip of tea. "I managed to do just that and when the flash from the camera went off…… that's when it changed again……." 
Theres another crack of magic and Gaster is there too. You smile slightly at him and take another drink of your tea.
"(Y/N) are you alright?"
"Just had a bad dream Gasty….."
"Ya scared us shitless…. screamin bloody murdering your sleep…." Red says.
"Its weird for such a good dream to go bad so suddenly.  It seems like someone is messing with you." Nightmare says. 
"I don't know….." you say. "I get night terrors from time to time…." you feel a skeletal hand on your shoulder and see Edge leaning over with a hard to place look on his face. 
"Are they always that bad?" he asks in a low tone. You shrug. 
"Not always. Sometimes they end earlier. Sometimes it's like I'm there living it again. My body even reacts like it is. My scars get warmer and all that. This time it was like I was just watching it." You get up suddenly. "I'll be back in a few." 
You go downstairs to your music room and grab your favourite guitar. It was one of the things that survived the fire with minimal damage. Only a scorch mark on the back and busted strings. The guitar itself was a regular acoustic but the front is decorated with varying shades of blue and black epoxy in a swirling pattern. You come back up and they see the guitar and look confused. You go to the window seat and open the window. Then you start to play and sing.
"Summer has come and passed,
The innocent can never last.
Wake me up when September ends.
Like my fathers come to pass,
Seven years has gone so fast.
Wake me up when September ends." You look up at the stars. It was a beautiful night out.
"Here comes the rain again,
Falling from the stars.
Drenched in my pain again, 
Becoming who we are.
As my memory rests,
It never forgets what I lost.
Wake me up when September ends." Dream comes and sits across from you. You give him a small smile then continue singing.
"Summer has come and passed,
The innocent can never last.
Wake me up when September ends.
Ring out the bells again, 
Like we did when spring began.
Wake me up when September ends. 
Here comes the rain again, 
Falling from the stars.
Drenched in my pain again, 
Becoming who we are.
As my memory rests,
It never forgets what I lost.
Wake me up when September ends." You look up to see Dream crying, he puts a hand on your knee and you continue to the last verse.
"Summer has come and passed,
The innocent can never last. 
Wake me up when September ends. 
Like my fathers come to pass,
Twenty years has gone so fast.
Wake me up when September ends. 
Wake me up when September ends. 
Wake me up when September ends." You strum the last cord and put the guitar down when you do Dream hugs you.
"That was beautiful." He says.
"I have to agree. Your mother loved that song." Gaster says. You yawn softly. 
"I know she did." You close the window and see that its 4 AM. "I'm sorry, you're all up so early because of me." You hear Red yawn loudly. 
"'S fine…."
"I actually agree with Red for once." Edge says.
"Sans, we should get home." Gaster says and Sans goes to you and gives you a hug before teleporting home. Gaster follows. 
"We should get home too." Nightmare says.
"I'd like to stay if its okay…." Dream says.
"Of course it is." You say. Nightmare nods then goes home. Red and Edge go to their rooms. Clover looks to you and Dream.
"Keep it PG you two." You blush and he does too. Clover walks out and Dream takes you to your bed. You both lay down you cuddle up to him just like how you had with Nightmare earlier. 
"(Y-Y/N)... W-what….."
"Comfy….." you mumble and fall asleep as he wraps his arms around you.

(Guys! Guess what! I got some shirts that SCREAM Black and Edge. Let me know if you wanna see them! Love you all and thanks for reading!)

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