chapter 42: Forgiveness?

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It was Monday morning now. You walk with Red to school and laugh at one of his stupid jokes. Soon you walk to the doors if the building where Tori was waiting.
"Good morning (Y/N)."
"Is it time for that thing we talked about?"
"Yes, it is."
"Ya gonna be okay sweetheart?"
"I'll be fine. See you in class." You gently shove his head away from you and walk with Toriel to the guidance office. You see Blackberry sitting there with an anxious look on his face. You sit down and Toriel closes the door.
"Well you two, I've brought you both here to talk."
"Yep."  You say and Black looks at you.
"(Y/N)" he says quietly. "I have been doing a lot of thinking since that incident with…." He trails off.
"Oh? What about?" You ask him cautiously. 
"I've thought about how I've treated you before. I realize now that it was unfair. Seeing how happy you are with your friends now I realize that I was a big part of you being unhappy before…" he looks away in shame.
"Well I can't  deny that…. But you're not the main reason." He looked shocked at this.
"Do you mind me asking why? I remember when we were kids you were close to your friend group but then you just disappeared." You sigh and take off your silver locket.
"When I was nine we moved, as you know, I planned on staying friends with everyone. A couple days after we moved though, we had just finished unpacking…. There was a fire…. Someone started it, they never found out who…. But my parents died in it…..  I was hurt badly…." You sigh softly. "Most of my memories were repressed…." You pull at your jacket sleeves. "Now though I remember. Ink convinced me to go in the talent show, I said he had to as well since it was his idea. Dream is making our outfits. He wants me to show the scars." You sigh again and laugh. "Me being the fool I am just agreed." You glance over to see Black looking at you shocked with tears in his eye sockets. "Hey, I'll make you a deal. If you can prove you're sorry I'll let you get close and get to know me better. Not like you could have known about what happened, I usually keep myself covered up to hide the scars. But I can see that you really are sorry for what's happened between us."
His eyes brighten up at that. Toriel chuckles. "You really are your mother's daughter."
"She's the one that told me that everyone can change. If they try hard enough." You see Black drop his head to his hands. You go to put a hand on his shoulder but stop yourself. "Blackberry, I forgive you for your part in everything. It doesn't mean I can forget or trust you but I do forgive you." You see his shoulders start to shake. You look to Toriel not sure what to do. She smiles softly at you. "H-hey, are you okay?"
"I-I….. I didn't think you would……" he says softly. You almost missed it. You laugh nervously. 
"W-well… I'm generally pretty forgiving-" he suddenly hugs you and you flinch away. You jump up and hide behind Toriel. He looks slightly hurt. "S-sorry just…. Please don't touch me…….."
He looks disappointed but nods. "Alright."
"You two should head to class now."
"Alright, thanks Tori. I'll go first." You hurry out of the office and skid to a stop at your locker. You put in your combination and grab your book before hurrying to class. 
At lunch you were with your friends eating. There were a few stories told before you bring up the party.
"Sooooo, you guys busy for Halloween?" Red grins, knowing where this is going. 
"Ya should dress up like a skeleton, like us."
"I already have a costume in mind."
"What's up starshine?"
"Auntie is having a Halloween party and only you guys and Frisk are invited." They all start talking but agree to go.
You grab Comet by the arm on the way to class. "What's up?" He asks.
"Will you come shopping with me?"
"Of course." 
"Thanks!" You hug him and he laughs.
"You're welcome." You let him go and run to Sans before jumping on him with your hands on his shoulders. 
"You guys coming for supper tonight, right? Auntie has been talking about it nonstop."
"We'll be there." You giggle and cheer. Slowly, you're coming out of your shell again. 

Welcome to Underhigh. Underhigh x reader (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora