chapter 65: Christmas

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The others spent the day with you until you'd kicked them out saying that they should spend time with their families on Christmas eve.  They'd reluctantly agreed and you were currently laying on a couch with your head on Red's lap. The grinch was on the TV and he chuckles. The boys didn't want to leave your side today and you really liked all the attention they gave you. They were all important to you. They all help you in different ways. You were lucky to have them. You feel a shake on your shoulder and look to see Red staring at you.
"Ya doin okay? Ya were spacin out."
"Just thinking about the day." You said with a small smile. 
"What bout it?"
"How lucky I am to have all of you as friends." Red chuckles again at your response. 
"Ey, sweetheart?"
"Did I ever thank ya for everythin?"
"Eh?" You look to see Red staring at the TV but you knew he was thinking. 
"Ya always are so kind, ya helped when most woulda ignored." He says and you see tears gather in his eye sockets. "Ya opened your home ta me and my bro when most wouldn't've. Even after everythin….. I don't understand ya…." You sit up as he starts crying. You sigh and hug him. He hugs you back and continues to cry. You could tell that he was hurting. 
"Did something bad happen to you around this time of year?" You ask and feel him jump slightly. 
"I-I…." He starts and you run your fingers along one of his shoulders.
"You don't have to tell me anything. I'm here to listen though." He hugs you a little tighter and you hear the front door open.
"Hey! I'm here!" Carmen yells. You hear the bell on Nalas collar jingling.
"Dont let her out!" You yell and hear the door shut. Red lets go of you and teleports away. You frown at that, You'd thought he'd gotten past that. You get up and walk to the stairs and pick Nala up. Carmen smiles at you and holds up a bag of presents. You indicate for her to take it to the livingroom. You go up and knock on Red's door.
"Red? You in there?" You ask and there's a shuffling but no answer. You frown and open the door. Hes curled up under his blankets. "Red?"
"Heh, ya didn't hafta come up here fer me sweetheart." You go and flop on the bed next to him. Nala jumps on him and curls up.
"Yeah I did. I care about you."
He was silent as you lay next to him. "......why though?........" you hear him whisper. You turn towards him and push the blanket from his head. He was crying hard so you wipe away the tears as they come.
"You showed that you care for me." His shoulder shake hard and you move closer to him. He moves back but you manage to pull him to a hug. "You aren't gonna manage to push me away." You say. He cries harder and you just comfort him. Its all you could do. Just show that you were there and not leaving while he cried against your shoulder. You gently pet his skull to try and calm him. Eventually he calms down and falls asleep. Theres a soft knock on the door.
"Yeah?" You say softly and the door opens to show Clover.
"Is he doing okay?" She asks and you sigh.
"He'll be fine. Just upset, I'm not leaving him tonight though."
"Of course. Where are you hiding the presents?"
"In my closet safe." You say. She nods and closes the door. Red whimpers in his sleep and you pull him closer to him and whisper calming words to him and he settles. This is gonna be a long night.
There were a few times in the night that Red had woken you up with nightmares but you managed to calm him down with relative ease. Soon it was 8 in the morning on Christmas day. You shake Red's shoulder. 
"Red, wake up." He grumbles but doesn't. "Well then, if you don't wake up you don't get presents." He groans and opens his eyes.
"Well that's a sight I could get used ta seein in the mornin." You blush slightly and get up. 
"Are you fine if I go change? Or do I need to get Edge in here?" 
"I'll be fine sweetheart. Go get all dolled up or whatever ya do for Christmas." You roll your eyes at him but go get changed along with doing your hair. All in all it takes around 10 minutes. When you go downstairs you see Red playing with Nala. Edge was in the kitchen helping Clover and Carmen with breakfast. You were wearing a long sleeved Christmas dress with your hair in a single braid. Red looks at you coming down the stairs and gives you a sheepish smile. 
"Lookin good sweetheart." He says. You blush and he laughs.
"Shut it Red….." you mumble as you sit on the couch. Carmen brings you a glass of tea and you smile at her. "Thanks Cammie."
"No problem little sis." She pats your head. You swat her hand away and scowl. "Poor little (Y/N) all pouty." 
"Shut it." She laughs at your embarrassment. 
"Red, let's go. Breakfast is really." Red puts Nala on your head as he passes you and you look to the tree. You're shocked by the amount of presents there. Almost half of the tree was hidden. 
"Really you two?!" You yell at your aunt and sister. "Isnt this a bit much?!" 
"Nope!" They say at the same time. You groan and lean against the couch in frustration. 
It took all morning for everyone to open their presents. The boys were happy with theirs thankfully. You'd helped each of them put theirs around their neck and beamed with pride. You'd gotten mostly clothing then notice one labeled for you from the fell brothers. You open it to see an instrument case. Opening the case you see a violin that had various shades of red epoxy, not unlike your guitar. You stare at the instrument then to the boys across the room from you. You start to cry then. You hide your face in your hands.
"S-sweetheart?" Red asks but you keep crying. You close the instrument case and hold it to your chest. "W-whats goin on? I thought she knew how to-"
"She hasn't played since the fire. Probably just thinking about mom." You carefully set the case to the side and run over to the skeletons and hug them around the neck. They hug you back.
"T-thank you….." you sob out. Red hugs you tighter and Edge pats your back. Today was nice.

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