Welcome Lethal Weapon

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It was the next morning and Fugaku went to work and avoided any distractions for today's line of work, but sadly today was a slow one. Meanwhile Mikoto cried herself to sleep last night leaded her sleep in later than usually. Hima went on her normal day of doing whatever the other girl does, the real question is how can she go on with her life knowing that what she did is wrong. The real truth is that she started catching feelings , but she wasn't the only one, now they have to deal with fact that they love someone other that their s.o.

Once Mikoto awoken from her slumber (I love being formal) she walked to the kitchen and made herself some breakfast and went out to run her normal errands.  This time she need some personal advice or just someone to talk to, and who would be the best person to talk to other than Kushina. She explained to Kushina about the reasons that led to the fight and Kushina gave her some advice but since Mikoto is more on the nicer side she didn't exactly take it. 

Once Mikoto got home something was different it smelled nice the house was cleaner, but what caught her eye was Fugaku's shoes being here. Why would he be home so early? He saw her walk into the house and walked straight to her. "Mikoto I'm sorry about last night about everything I should have talked to you." he said she didn't budge Kushina told her not to expect apologies so fast. Then he bought flowers and her favorites. Lilies, she started to soften up "Thank you Fugaku." she said walking towards her bedroom. She walked out with blankets and a pillow (one of Kushina's ideas) "You can sleep anywhere but not with me, until we work this out." She said walking back to her bedroom.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP 2 WEEKS LATER~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hima Hyuga woke upand felt the urge to throw up she rushed to the bathroom as fast as she could. She threw up for at least 15 minutes (Idk I'm only 14) she got up and brushed her teeth and wiped her mouth and walked out of the bathroom and into the Kitchen to make breakfast and went out to run her errands. But once she walked out the heat beamed onto her and she almost fainted she walked back in the house slowly. She got and cold wet towel to put over her head as she laid down she had no idea what was happening to her. Her sister walked into her bedroom and found her like that "Hima! What happened to you ?!" "I honestly don't know." Hima has felt this way for the past week until she finally went to the hospital to figure out what happened to her.

"Hima Hyuga we did the test and everything is normal it's just apart of the pregnancy." Her eyes shot opened. "Pregnant?" she gulped. She had no idea she got pregnant. Wait she remembered Fugaku that night, she is in deep trouble. "Thank you Doctor." she said leaving the hospital and walked home to deal with this problem. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~9 MONTHS LATER~~~~~~~~~~~~

It was dark and raining and Hima could make to the hospital in time so she had to give birth at home. Once she finished she got some blankets and a pillow and a box and wrapped the infant up and placed her in there gently and left here in the middle of town far away form her.  

As the infant cried the rain only got harder and harder and as the night got darker and darker the child was truly alone . Konoha just got a welcome from the lethal weapon.

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