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Tsunami POV
Last week I was given a kunai with my name engraved on it by Shisui. I was debating on using it or not using it and I decided not to use it because if I use and lose it people can track me down and I don't need that type of drama in my life right now. So I just keep in a box in my house. I was walking to ichiraku's and I ran into Shisui who has a friend with him. "Hey Tsunami. What are you doing today?" "On my way to Ichiraku's." "Why?" "To eat." Is he okay? He looks a bit red? "Are you okay your face is a bit red? Do you need to see a doctor or something?" I asked him. "No I'm fine. Uh Tsunami meet my friend Itachi." I waved to the kid he waved back and didn't say a word. "Okay I will be on my way, bc I am starving." I said walking away from the boys.

After eating at Ichiraku's I was headed to my training station but I felt a pair m of eyes on me but I brushed it off, hoping it would go away. Once I got to the training grounds the eyes were still on me so I investigated silently only to figure out that it was Itachi he wasn't really good at hiding his presence. I teleport behind him. "Looking for something?" I asked which made him jump and turned to meet my eyes. "I wanted to see what Shisui saw in you." I looked at the younger boy with confusion "What are you talking about?" I asked him he brushed it off and walked away leaving me confused.

What did Itachi mean by what Shisui sees in me? I honestly don't understand maybe I should just ask Shisui or someone who can help. Look Shisui is over there why don't we ask him? No he wasn't feel good earlier so maybe I shouldn't bother him. "Are still troubled about what I said before?" "Yes I am. what did you mean by what he sees in me?" He looked away "He talks about you a lot and he seems to be very found of you so I wanted to see for myself." That didn't answer my question but kids smart for his age which is I'm going to say about 9. He bowed in front of me "Tsunami can I trained under you?" I was star struck why would he want to train under me i still have a long ways to go. (Prince of tennis fans know).  "Are you sure you want to train under me?" "Positive." "Ok I guess so meet me here tomorrow morning."

The next morning I did my morning routine and meet up with Itachi who seems to be here early. "Hello Itachi" "Hello" "Follow Me." we headed towards the training caves that's where I train so why not train here with him. After maybe 2 hours of training I was tried so I ended training and we headed home. "Tsunami, can I ask you a question?" "You just did. Ok but yea." "When you unlocked your Sharingan how did it feel?" "How did you know I have a Sharingan?" "Shisui told me." "Oh well it felt different like I could see everything in a whole new perspective." "I've unlocked my Sharingan and I felt that way too I haven't really talked to anyone about it yet but I can I talk to you about it?" "Of course anytime at all." We went our separate ways.

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