June 30

143 5 10

A/n when itachi isn't around hehe okay sorry let's get right into the story.
I took him to my usually training grounds I don't train around the other kids because they didn't take the way that I have a byakugan and sharingan to well. "Why do you train here?" He is a really most guy. "Well being a Hyūga and an Uchiha so how makes you different from everyone else." He looked at me without a smile and I just saw his eyes fill with worry. "You are really strong for a ten year old." I looked at him confused how did he know my age. "OOh umm Lord Danzo told me your age so don't worry am not a stalker." He said with that smile that seemed to make me smile.

After we finish combat he wanted to help me with my social skills which I really did not what to work on. "Ok so when is your birthday" "My birthday?" He only missed to my response "It's June 30." "Nice mine is October 19." "So I'm older than you." "No because I'm a year older than you." "Oh" for a boy older than me he sure is nosy and talkative. "Since your birthday is coming up I'm going to get you something." I looked at him confused "Like what?" "It's a secret. I'll see you tomorrow Tsunami." He walked away. I think I'll just head home.

I could stop think about what Shisui could get me for my birthday no one has ever got me anything for my birthday I barely even celebrate it.

The next morning Shisui was counting down the days until my birthday. I got kinda of anxious about what ever gift he plans on getting me but we'll see won't we. "Good Morning Tsunami only 6 days left until your birthday." "Yes Shisui I know you told me an hour ago." "Well I'm just saying why aren't you more excited about your birthday?" "Why do you care anyway?" I asked him trying to avoid his question. "Well because your my partner and I want to take care of you." I turn my head towards him slightly only to see his seriousness. "No that you know I care, tell why aren't you more excited about your birthday." I took a breath and walked towards him. "I never told anyone this but my birthday is something I don't look forward to because it's just an ordinary day for me since I have no parents and I scare people away. So pardon me if I don't think my birthday is important." I walked away from him and went to train.

I  was training when I felt a presence near me so I threw a kunai at the where the presence was coming from as a warning. "Sorry I'm not an intruder it's just me." "Shisui I could have took your head of if I had just attacked." "Sorry I didn't mean to intrude but I alike watching you practice it's nice." I looked at him "Well that's kinda of weird do you mind not doing that." "Sorry." He said.

~~~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~

Today is my birthday, yay, that means I get that gift from Shisui, great. I got ready for work (I have no idea what to call the black ops bc it like work) . On my way there Shisui caught up to me "How does it feel to be 11?" "The same as 10 felt." Today I was not in the mood that's right it's that time of the month I got it last year so I know the drill. "Do you want your present?" He asked I looked at him with a bored expression "I guess." He handed me a small box. "Happy birthday." He said with a smile does he ever stop smiling. I opened it and it was a kunai. "Another kunai nice." He laughed "Turn it around" I did what he said only to find that my name is write in small letter on the handle of the kunai. I actually wanted to cry this is the sweetest thing that anyone has ever done for me. I never had a gift before so this is nice. "Thank you Shisui." I hugged him which is rare because I don't hug people. I don't even like people so your lucky Shisui. "It's no problem." He said hugging me back. "Don't worry I'm not going to stab you." "I know I trust you." "Bad decision." He only laughed.

Villagers walked by us were talking about a boy. "Did you hear that Kakashi Hatake made Jonin he's only 13." "That's amazing considering what happened with his father all those years ago." " Yes poor man drove himself to suicide."

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