Chapter one

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The war was inevitable, though they were used to them this one required the Lans to intervine. Since it was known to be a way to stop the lecture that was to be held in Gusu.
Lord Quiren knew it very well they had received a word that the Wens had attacked the small clans in the east to stop them from sending their young masters to attend the lectures. The wens had declared a war against the whole cultivation world against the Immortals too and the world was furious hence the War was to begin in two months.
Quiren had sent out a world to all clans apart from the Wens to send their best men to Gusu in order to prepare for the war. He decided to send his two sons too Lan Xichen was okay with it the one he was worried about was WangJi. He was not worried about he strength. No he would not even worry about that if he was to even send him if he was a ten year old. But his social ability. Wanji talked to no one apart from his family, and when he talked to others it was when a his common 'Mn' was not enough to answer but even then the words were little.
How he wished to see him smile even once. That he would engage himself in a conversation rather than seclude himself from others, he wished that he would find a girl or even a boy he didn't care to just get close too.
He was proud of his sons Where Xichen was good in diplomacy and politics Wanji was good in war matters, spiritual technics and also music though he rarely played his Wanji outside Jingshi they knew how perfect his strums were. The Lans had only heard him play twice on Quiren's assetion ceremony when he became an Immortal Lord and during his mother's burial though the later had been a sorrowful note it was beautiful all the same. How they wished they could hear his notes again.
" Father!" Lan Xichen greeted as he bowed to his father in the meeting pavilion.
"Xichen, how are you?"
"Am good, you seem troubled. What is wrong?"
"Ahh Xichen leave it to you to analyze our expressions. "
"Well am the only one who notices knows them so.."
Xichen and Quiren had aright bond, not that he didn't have a bond with WangJi he did but his with Xichen was stronger while that of Wanji was stronger with Ziyi their mother. But when it came to character the role was reversed sine Ziyi like Xichen was sweet and soft hearted while Quiren and WangJi ware strict harsh and mostly cold but as for Quiren he had a softer part.

"It's Wanji," the older Lan finally answer
"What about him? "Xichen inquired
"Am worried he has to go to the war but what will happen when he can't get along with the others during this war? "
"You shouldn't worry yourself to much I will be there and maybe he will find someone to talk to there is huisang  and Jixuan they are familiar with him."
"Yes but still he rarely talks to then either."
"Well I believe everything will he fine."
"If you think so." Quiren finally uttered dejectedly.

Jiang Clan

Wei WuXian  sat in the training ground watching as his adoptive brother train. But he was mote of a servant than a sibling yo the other well also to the family. He was not allowed to train with the others under the generals he just sat there watching but little  did they know that the young man was a prodigy he trained himself the swordmanship from what he had grasped during the training. He had a strong spiritual core stronger than the Jiang Heirs  that was part of the reason as to why they hated him. The young man today was ordered to watch the two brothers ensure that anything they needed hr gave either water when exhausted or he a towel to wipe their sweat which he wiped for them. In other words he was their guard dog as Madam Yu liked to call him.
When they received a letter from the Lans to gather their best men for war the two brothers were to go Jiang Cheng and Jiang Wanyin. Wei WuXian was to follow but as a shield for them. He was happy not because of the role but because he was going to get a chance to leave the yunmeng sect even if it was to a war, he would get a chance to meet people, new people but   he had to be careful not to get in trouble.
" listen you dog! " Madam Yu admonished "You will protect my sons even if you have to die doing so no a scratch on them."
"Yes madam I will protect them with my life." He swore forehead touching the ground. As he knelt down.  Cheng anf Wanyin kicked him and he flew across the room with a grunt of pain. YanLi held back her tears as she watched this.  She was the only one who love the boy, though she had been punished a few times for this she was still kind and loving to him. And it pained her seeing him like this yet she didn't have the strength to do a thing. Wei Ying teared behind the mask he had been forced to be wearing ever since he could remember. He pulled himself together and crawled back on his knees and waited for his dismissal which he was granted after more humiliation from the Jiangs.

𝔘𝔫𝔱𝔞𝔪𝔢𝔡:𝕺𝖋 𝕷𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕺𝖋 𝕯𝖆𝖗𝖐𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖘. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora