Chapter 7

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Everyone was awake by 6am on the next day, they we're to return to Caiyi town where the first banquet would be held, Lan WangJi rode next to his brother, while Wei Ying followed behind next to Lan Jing who had befriend him, Lan Xichen had ensured that the previous night Wei WuXian was safe and his wounds were healed.
They arrived at Caiyi town just around late afternoon, The horses were taken to the stables by their owners before they went to one of the biggest inns that had been booked by Lan Quiren,
They all sat down in the dinning area where the serving was done for the first time the Jiang twins did not disturb him and he was relived as he sat down next to Lan Jing and another solider from the Jin clan. He chatted with them while they ate along one would say he was cheeky roudy and mischievous from the pitch of his voice.
Then Lan Xichen stood up to speak, he greeted everyone present and took upon himself to welcome everyone for the banquet that will be held in the Gusu Cloud Recess.
When dinner was over people started dispersing Wei WuXian was called by the Jiang twins since YanLi had arrived, so they headed to another Inn, where she was waiting for them.
She was a warm lady, she kissed her brothers foreheads then Wei WuXian's. The Twins got tired of telling her to stop treating him nicely, for they realized it was useless. YanLi cared deeply for him and would take any punishment on any given day for her behavior towards him.
They were speaking when Wei Ying decided to tease her.
"Shije, when you attend the lectures please concentrate, even though the Lan brothers are good looking please don't melt huh."
"You silly boy,"she hit his head lightly "I am not going to melt."
"Yeah keep telling yourself that."
They were standing outside the Inn when the Twin Jades of Gusu appeared with a few Lan disciples. Lan Xichen was explainong something to his brother.
"Greetings miss Jiang Master Wei,"
"Greetings Lord Xichen, Lord WangJi,"
"Greetings to both of you."
"I would like to personaly thank you young master Wei."
"Huh me?"Wei WuXian asked puzzled by Lan Xichen's words.
"Thank him for what?"Jiang Wanyin asked as they appeared behind them. Wei Ying’s back stiffened before looking at the ground. And this did not go unnoticed by the Jade twins.
"For fighting alongside my younger brother Lan WangJi,"
"Mn, thank you."Lan Zhan said.
"Oh, it wasn't..."
"Ahh you are welcome." Jiang Cheng interrupted as he places his hand on his shoulder putting some pressure on it. Lan Xichen saw this and decided continue,
"Therefore as a way of showing our gratitude we would like to personaly invirmte you for this years lecture."
"What?" Jiang Cheng asked as he step forward as if he didn't get what The Lan master had said.
"Yes, Wei WuXian will attend the lectures theta will begin the coming week, and if he doesn't attend then we will take it as an insult to us."
"Huh! Lord Xichen hamebis but a son of s servant." Jiang Wanyin commented.
'Ah here  we go again '  Wei Ying thought.
"Here in Gusu everyone is equal cultivators and humans are treated with respect,"
When the Lans left, the four returned to the Inn YanLi ensured to keep Wei Ying away from the twins by sending him on some errands till the two retreated to their rooms. She had also booked a room for him close to hers.
     Morning came and they all headed to Gusu, YanLi in a carriage while the others on horse back. they arrived at the warded gates and presenter their invites. Lan Sizhui saw Wei WuXian from a far and rushed to inform Xichen as requested. Allocation of rooms was done by Lan Ying also as requested by the first lan heir.
The Cloud Recess was a beautiful place with abundance of Blossoms and other beautiful trees it had a serin environment that allowed healing of ones heart and temparment. Jiangs had given their horses to their men as for Wei WuXian he took Thunder to the Stables himself for he had seen how sturbon and fierce she had been when he had tried to hand her over to one of the stable keeper in Caiyi town. There was and empty stable next to the one that belonged to Storm so he guided Thunder inside. Filled  her feeding trough and water trough too. Storm was not there so he bid his horse goodbye and headed back to the guest quarters assigned to him. There he found Lan Sizhui, Lan JingYi and Lan Jing waiting for him with a tray of food.
He let them inside his room. They spoke for a while, the juniors had taken an immediate liking for him. Especially Lan Sizhui, Lan JingYi decided to ask a question that had been bugging everyone they had met him.
"Master Wei why do you always where that mask?"
"Oh, I am not allowed to remove it."
"Why? You may ask I am just  hideous. So they say. Please don't say more. " so they decided to drop the matter for now but they planned to inform Lan Xichen of the answer they received. Wei Ying complained that the food was to bland for his liking but all the same he managed to eat reluctantly since he was hungry.

𝔘𝔫𝔱𝔞𝔪𝔢𝔡:𝕺𝖋 𝕷𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕺𝖋 𝕯𝖆𝖗𝖐𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖘. Where stories live. Discover now