𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 8

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Wei ying stood at the river stream where he had left, the Jiangs after they were refused entry since they had forgotten the student jade entry token at the hotel in Caiyi town where they had gone during the. Day whole they were doing some shopping,
Therefore he had been ordered to go bring the token thoigh he was not even the one responsible  for it but Jiang Cheng. But he had to take the blame as usual, he remembered every detail of the events of the day. Where Shije had requested he accompanies her to the market as she goes to buy a few facial powders then the two brothers had also decided to tag along. They had walked to Caiyi town where they had gone for the shopping and had taken their lunch there. Jiang Cheng had drunk a few glasses of wine together with other male disciples. Then that is how he had forgotten the student jade entry token, when they got to the gate the guards had refused to let them in since thy didn't even have their uniforms on. So it was hard for them to be recognized as students.
So they had gone to the river stream just a few meters from the gate. Jiang Cheng had flushed out on Wei WuXian as if it was his fault for leaving the token. He had received three lashes from Zidan and equally sharp words from the other twin before Shije had arrived to the scene to stop them. He had been sent to the town to get the token.
He had walked to Caiyi town with an aching back a broken spirit and bruised mind. Where he had found the token luckily from with the help of one of the waitress, he had ventured back but as he walked he found a tarven advertising Empire smile wine. Which was by far the best wine in the whole of cultivation world. He had bought one jar to drink to let go of his stress.
And now he had arrived at the stream a little past 8pm. To find that the Jiangs and their disciples gone. He had so many thoughts going through his mind, his turmoil intense as body pain increased. 
He knew he be used to all these treatment and such instances, that  it should not make his heart ache and  clench but yet that was what his heart did.   It  ached and clenched so painfully,  though he put up a am fine facade, he knew pretty much  well that  he would never even once get fucking used to the I'll treatment, Constantly blame game for things not done by him and worst of all anger from all sides of the Jiang well apart from Yanli.  All he ever wished for was recognition as a human, love that was not forced nor dangerous like that of Yanli since every time she showed love and care both of them would face it.
   Some would ask why he didn't pack and leave, well he had thought about it a hundred times, had strategized a plan to escape a million times. But where would he go hah! And even if he had a place to go escaping the Jiangs watchful eyes made it  also hard he knew for the number of times he got caught just sneaking out to just  go to the market. So despite all else he could nothing but strive to survive. To just keep moving on yo the next sunrise.
       The night was a calm one in The Gusu Heavenly Mountains if he could say so, Everything radiated heavenly serenity, the soft musical air calmed his erratic turmoil. He walked on though his body protested so much that he let out a pained groan and breathed in not so softly.
He went through another ward while humming silently, he then he claimed up a rooftop, it wouldn't hurt to be a little mischievous right.
Wei WuXian managed to get over the roof but he was utterly shocked by a sharp sculpture like figure of a man who gazed at him, his face clear of any trace of emotions. And unable to hide himself or ran away from the Beautiful Younger Jade prince he just remained looking at him.
But he was very grateful for the mask, since it gave him a chance to recover quickly, though he very much doubted anything went pass the sharp gaze of the Jade Prince.
"Oh Hello!" He said, forcing himself with great difficulty to settle down his rapid beating heart. The Jade watched him his sharp dark eyes observed him without revealing any emotion, not even the slightest bit was potrayed. Though Wei WuXian would swear those eyes  looked like it would decipher one's soul just by a mere gaze.
"You are late. It's passed curfew. " deep cold voice resonated between them. Wei Ying waited for more to be said but nothing was said nor any emotion laced in the voice either.
"Ah sorry, but you see, we went to the market and lost the student token so I had to go and find it." He started to explain "I will just check if the Jiangs are in then I will leave."
"Alcohol is prohibited." Wei WuXian looked at the white jars in his hands before letting out a difficult chuckle.
"I will not drink it.
"You have violated rules  here."
"I am sorry, but I so not familiar with your rules, but here is the thing I will give you one jar an pretend nothing happened here okay."
"You  dare bribe a law enforcer."
"Agooo you are no fun."
He leapt from the roof to the ground when he noticed Lan WangJi move to grasp the jar but he was cornered to a tall wall.
"Turn!" He orders
"Ahhhh!" Wei Ying asked him
"Turn" he repeated
So he obliged and turned, and came face to face with a wall of rules and regulations within the cloud Recesses. They stretched over the wall on and on so many were they that he didn't make it passed the first set colum. Before turning to look at the beautiful Jade, he seemed to shine with the moon light beams.
"Let's go." He said once again. While pulling him by the wrist. The set pace was to fast that the only way Wei WuXian would achieve it was by running to keep up. Nothing more was said as he was led to where he didn't know though relieved it was not towards the gates to be kicked out. For he dreaded that.

𝔘𝔫𝔱𝔞𝔪𝔢𝔡:𝕺𝖋 𝕷𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕺𝖋 𝕯𝖆𝖗𝖐𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖘. Where stories live. Discover now