faction meeting

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Issei was watching the other realms and decided to go pay a visit to arceus.
(Pokemon universe)
Issei entered the hall of origin and he looked around but couldn't find them so he tried sensing them he found arceus energy but it felt all negative so he teleported to him and saw him destroying the planet he created.
Arceus turned around with nothing but red eyes of fury and anger.
Arceus:all humans must be brought to justice!
Arceus unleashed judgment and issei decided to put up a soul shield and destroyed arceus attack with his own kai. Arceus attacked issei and issei retaliated but arceus couldn't handle issei attack much so issei took this opportunity to read his memory and saw how arceus betrayal from humans but issei turned around and saw dialga and read his memory and saw him transport the chosen one and his friends even the decedent of the human who arceus trusted. So issei decided to keep arceus busy and made a shadow clone of himself and told it to heal dialga,palkia and giratina.
Clonedissei:healing vicinti
Green arua and lime green arua spread out to the three legendary pokemon and healed all their wounds and gave back their stamina.
(After a couple of hours)
Issei was about to finish arceus and put him to sleep temporary but saw a small glow around arceus and then issei saw the chosen one and his friends return so he turn invisible and saw arceus stop his attack on the World and realised that they saved arceus and then arceus was covered in a golden glow and he had all of his plates. Which they were showed out of his body then went back in. Arceus talked to his chosen one and his friends and gave a thank you and went back to his home which issei followed.
(Hall of origin)
Arceus was walking and stoped and turned his head around.
Arceus:I know your their issei
Issei turned visible
Issei:I see you knew but one would think you would forget since you went on a blind rage of destruction?
Arceus put his head down in shame
Arceus:hah I'm sure you saw my memory's?
Issei:yes but just because one human does wrong not all humans are the same take that into notice as you almost destroyed your chosen one into the nothingness if I hadn't arrived in time.
Arceus felt more shame in himself
Issei:the I'm surprised he didn't held any hatred towards you I would've if I was human but I would have just have to let it go.
Arceus:well issei the chosen one has a pure heart and a golden one at that and he is forgiving so he can't be corrupted.
Issei:I see well I'll get to the point then you remember the last time I came here correct?
Issei:well now its time but I'll only use dialga and palkia is that alright?
Arceus:of course. Well then its time I rest and then get back to work.
Issei:allright then.
Issei watched as not even a hour has ran out sense he went to the pokemon universe.
Issei:I forget that these universes have different time periods.
?:well what are you going to do about the three factions meeting if kiba calls you?
Issei looked back and one of his creations and one he wouldn't think he would see.
Issei:well call me damn I would never in a thousand years would have thought you would care about anything except annihilation  and chaos. My omniverse dragon god drake.
Drake:well I can care if I want to!
Issei gave him a passive look and looked away
A vine was pumping on his head
Drake:answer me!
Issei: I guess I'll go if kiba calls me I don't know why even though humans call this feelings or a crush or something I've never in my entire life have experience this and never would I thought I would be into a human and a reincarnated devil at that but still a low being.
?:we all have things that are a mystery to us and creator were all not perfect.
Issei:I appreciate the wise words cruiser.
Cruiser:well I am balance and order itself but not even I can understand the meaning of love and conflict between many species even if I observe the vast omniverse.
Issei:well once kiba summons me I'll tell them about the omniverse what do you think draig?
Issei gauntlet reacts and says.
Draig:hmm go head but if we sense the white one don't mention me lets make it a surprise
(Couple hours later)
Issei was watching how their school was having a thing going and its when parents come to school to observe their children he saw rias embarrassment and found great amusement and saw that kiba was sadden by this day and issei remembered that kiba didn't have parents and felt bad but he couldn't do nothing about it sense issei doesn't now about his parents. He was watching everything. When sirzechs told them about were to faction meeting was going to be at issei was ready.
(Faction meeting)
Issei saw everyone their he saw sirzchs and serafall representing the devils and for the angels was Michael and then for the fallen angels was azazel. Issei was always amused how laid back azazel was and it kinda reminded issei of himself. When they were talking about kokabiel they asked  azazel which he said.
Azazel:yes kokabiel went rouge he didn't how i liked running things he still had a bone to pick with me about retreating from the war.
Micheal:I can only guess he didn't treat it well.
Azazel:I sended the white dragon emperor to deal with him know he's in imprisoned in cocytus were he won't hurt anybody else again.
They continued talking and azazel said we should ask what the white dragon emperor thinks.
?:as long as I can fight strong people in good.
Azazel:well vali you can still fight string people even in peace times.
Sirzches:well then lets make peace.
Then times stoped and issei new why but he didn't want to interfere with this affaire sense it didn't concern him. He watched how rias and kiba went and vali went to face to magicians then the true decadent of leviathan katera she used a spell to blow up the building and then she saw a barrier with the three factions leaders holding it up. She said
That their goal is to destroy and reform this world for themselves and which to azazel laughs and says all villains say that and always die in the end. Azazel and katera were fighting and rias and kiba managed to get gasper then kiba summoned the sword issei gave him and then the sword unleashed a wave of pure power and magic energy this caught vali attention and everyone else kiba looked at the sword like it was trying to tell himself then earthquakes and thunder storms were being created and the only light that was showing was the moon and it was big and it was emitting a white glow that was pouring on kiba and the light was being absorbed into the sword then marks were being created on kibas skin and it looked liked stars and crescent moons and then the marks were spreading and spreading on kiba body then a glow was showing on kiba back then dark blue crystal things came out and were hovering behind kiba back then out of the light it was giving wings came out but they were dark and had stars in them then two small moon were hovering above the crystals. Kiba felt his body being taken over and with one slash half of the magician were destroyed and the energy destroyed the barrier that was keeping them hear but it reformed. This surprised even azazel at this development then all the scared gears were reacting to the sword for some weird reasoning.
Vali:(Albion what's wrong?)
Albion:(that power its so destructive and it was like the moon itself how weird)
Vali:(so why is the scared gears and yours reacting to it?)
Albion:(I don't know but it's like to attracting us like a month to a flame I don't know why though. Bit what do know is that its absorbing out energy's for some weird reason like that sword is trying to summon something here)
Vali:(hmm how weird)
The energy of the scared gears were glowing brighter and brighter and then they stoped glowing then kiba sword was glowing then the marks were glowing bright baby blue and kiba eyes were glowing bright baby blue and struck the ground then the magic circle showed up underneath kiba then the circle was so bright that it enveloped everyone and killed off the magicians and katera covered her eyes and so did everyone else. Then out of the light came three beings one was a blue weird looking dinosaur it had baby blue lines and a gem in its chest and had gray things around its body and had red eyes and the thing next to it was white with pink lines and it looked like more like a dragon and had gems on its shoulders and the last one was very huge but it shrieked to a 80 foot tall dragon it was a sharp looking dragon and its scales looked like swords and had very sharp claws that one move of its claw pierced the ground with ease and the power these three dragons were giving off were out of this world. The two small looking dragons that were half the size of the 80 foot tall dragon were on par with shiva while the other one was out of this world. They looked around and from what the looks of it The two weird dragons didn't understand were they were. The 80 foot tall dragon explained where they are in ancient language that neither Albion or any creature knew but palkia and dialga could understand.
Kiba was breathing hard and he looked at them and said.
Kiba:who are you!?
They looked at kiba with a uninterested look but the bigger dragon did.
?:allow me to introduce us you see the one at my left is dialga he's from a different universe he's what's called a legendary pokemon he's the pokemon of time and the one on my right is palkia he's also a legendary pokemon but of space know I am Vyrsa the
Omniverse Dragon goddess of darkness and absolute sharpness. I am above all of the creatures of the omniverse I was created by my creator the child of the creator of the omniverse just like how that sword of yours was created by my creator who gave it to you as a gift that sword can summon things that are above reason and reality it can draw power from a simple belief of your soul and that would be enough to fuel its power and might just like the scared gears it reacts to your emotions and your resolve but sadly its only a simple omniverse scared gear its nothing major its nothing compared to the treasures of omniverse these weapons can kill us omniverse dragon gods and other omniverse creatures and I dare say of our master used the first treasure it could kill the creator of the omniverse.
This sent shivers to everyone.
Kiba:wait so mines just a simple omniverse scared gear?!
Vyrsa:yes but it can do many things and can destroy any scared gear and kill any race it was forged by our creator so you should feel honor that our creator lets you wield that's sword. It's a good thing that sword is bound to you only the only one who can take that away from you is the one who gave you that sword. Now sense the time is running out for us sense your weak from the summon it will only last two more minutes so well get rid of that devil who's fighting azazel.
Vyrsa:darkness beam!
Dailga:raor of time!
Palkia:special rend!
Vyrsa unleashed a black stream of energy and dailga gem glowed blue and its back she'll grew and he held a black and blue and purple stream and shot it and palkia shoulder glowed pink and energy was being stored into his arm and shot it like a crescent the attacks it katera and nothing was heard no scream or shout in pain all what was left was nothing and even half of the school was destroyed.
Vyrsa: there know we must be going
Vyrsa luanched a beam to the sky and went in and disappeared and palkia went to the right and a portal opened and he went in and dialga did the same. Vali decided to attack azazel.
Azazel:must be losing my edge. Bad vali
Vali:sorry azazel but this side looks more fun
Kiba:vali your the one who betrayed us!
Azazel:I'm not surprised but there are some questions I have for you vali
Azazel:you know my vice governor general schimaza hes informed me of a faction that's has been gathering the dangerous  elements and members of the three faction of the three great powers what were they called as yes the khaos Brigade
Sirzches:khaos sounds accurate
Serfall:who ever is in charge must be strong why would anybody gather such dangerous people.
Azazel:so I can guess who's leading you must me ophis the ouroborouse dragon.
Rias:ophis it can't be
Kiba:who is ophis
Rias: the infinite dragon god a dragon so strong that god was afraid of him.
Vali:yes it is true that I have sided with ophis but believe me not one of us are interested in world domination.were just a group who were firmed to use out power nothing more.
Azazel:well that makes  more sense conspired with katera seemed a little beneath you both of you had devil tilted stolen so I wasn't sure.
Serfall:hes a devil kings decadent two
Rias:what are you saying
Vali:my name is vali lucifer!
Vali:I'm a direct decadent of one of the dead devil kings. My mother was a human so I'm a half blood but my father was the grandson of the former great devil king lucifer!
Sirzches:of course half human we wouldn't known
Azazel:while you have the blood of a real devil king since your also a human you so happen to be possessed by the vanishing dragon so basically is a joke.
Vali:I would go with miracle
Vali unleashed eight pairs of his devil wings
Micheal:dear god
Vali retracted his wings
Azazel:I have a feeling this one will be the best white dragon emperor of the wirld has ever seen past,present and future.
Kiba:best dragon
Vali:I am disappointed that I couldn't fight my rival I was sure one of you would have him but when you knight of rias gremory used your sword called those three dragons one of them said the child of the creator of the omniverse gifted you that sword. I wonder what would happen if I were to kill you or kill everyone one hear?
Kiba paled in fear and so did everyone but the three faction leaders got in a defence stance. Vali was using his dragonic arua it was blue and silver and it was growing and then they hear Albion say.
Albion:half dimension!
The all of a sudden everyone felt a huge power were they were it was so vast and powerful and heavy very heavy some of them couldn't stand and were having a hard time breathing then kiba sword made engulfed everyone except vali in a barrier and they could breath normal again and looked their eyes widen it was a 17 year old boy with three pair of ears and many tails and many wings he was in pure white and gold shining armor he had eyes that and universes in it and his hair had galaxy's in it.
For the first time vali felt fear but also he felt extremely excited
Vali:who are you
Issei: I am issei hyoudou child of the creator of the omniverse
The three faction leaders and sona and rias peerage were very surprised
Vali:I figured their was some kind of connection between you and that sword.
Issei:wrong it was me,kiba and the sword but you were half correct and sense you want to fight I'll let you fight your rival
Vali:then were is he?
Issei:right here. DRAIG!
draig:Welsh dragon balance breaker!
Issei was draigs balance breaker and this surprised everyone
Their arua were going out of control issei was using draigs arua and it was more bigger than Albion hosts issei lunged towards vali and vali dodged it and they were going in a yin yang and red and blue were going around each other then their first met and vali balance breaker broke and shattered and he crashed to the earth and was coughing blood and he had cuts everywhere then when issei was going to land the final blow he saw a stick try to hit him and dodged it and saw some else arrive.
Biko:sorry vali but we need you were attacking asgard
Vali:very well
Issei:try and get strong vali because right now I was using only one percent of draigs power.
Vali:very well Intel we meet again
Vali disappeared and issei went out of draigs balance breaker and was in his omniverse form and looked back at kiba and the others and teleported right in front of him which shocked everyone else.
Issei:been awhile kiba
Sirzches:hello their issei I am sirs-
Issei:I already know I know all of you and everything about you.
Issei said in a emotionless tone
Issei:I knew giving you that sword was the right call.
Kiba:but issei are their more than one universe?
They looked at issei
And he shook his head
Issei:yes their are billions of them and my mother and my creations and I watch over all of them they were brought to exsistance by my mother just like I was I existed after the omniverse was born then I created my own creations and gave them realms to sleep and be in they are far more powerful than anything in this reality and any other multiverse.
Except me and my mother of course.
Gasper:its you!
They looked at gasper with shocked faces
Issei:ah hello their gasper how are you
Rias: gasper you met issei?!
Gasper:yep he met me in my dream scape and made me a little bit braver about my past and gave me some wise words and helped me some and get control of my power a little.
Rias turned to issei
Rias:thank you
Issei:its no problem best to help now then wait for destruction later. Kiba hear
Issei grabbed kiba arm and light was emitted and kiba and had a mark on his arm.
Kiba:issei what is this?
Issei:its my mark its basically what wolves and other universe call mates with that you can contact me of anyone's in danger.
Issei noticed the blush on kiba face and a small blush appeared but then disappeared quickly.
Issei:now then I must be off now
Issei summoned his magic circle and before issei could disappear
Gasper:hey issei!
Issei stoped and looked back
Gasper:can you join our school
Everyone had pale faces and issei looked at gasper then at kiba then back at gasper again and said with a small smile and his ey PE s were holding emotions.
Issei:of course
Then he disappeared.
They were shocked and sona said.
Sona:hes probably going to be here for kiba and gasper so rias adding him in for your peerage is off.
Rias:I already know that
Sona:well guess I'll go get his form and I.D. for tommorow.
(Two days later)

issei the child of the creator of the omniverse(Discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now