issei tells kiba about luner and its powers

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Its been two days since the faction meeting and rias was in the ORC talking to her peerage. They were discussing about going to the underworld.
Azazel:I'll be tagging along with you guy's
He said with a smirk.
Rias:when did you get here!?
Azazel:please gremory if you couldn't detect me when I got here then you still have a long ways to go.
She gave him a nasty look
Before rias could say anything else they heard a scream.
Random people: look at that cute chibi!
Randomgirl:hes so cute!
Randomboy:hes actually really cute!
They looked out of the window and saw issei walking around and looking for something so rias told kiba and Asia to go get issei. Which they did. They approached issei and he just had a passive look.
Kiba:ah issei
Asia:its good to see you again
Randomgirl:aaahhh! Its the prince of kouh it looks kike they know each other!
They were getting crowed by girls and some guys went to Asia and both genders went to issei but asia grabbed issei hand and kiba grabbed his arm to told him that rias sent them that was enough to get a mob out of the way.
They arrived and rias looked happy to see issei again and did the rest.
Rias:ah issei what brings you here?
Issei bent his head to the left in a cute way and said.
Issei:I came here to participate in what you species call school and to teach kiba how to wield lunar.
They gave him a nod towards the school part but were confused about lunar.
Azazel:issei what's lunar?
Issei gave a passive look and grabbed kiba arm and pushed some of his power and out came the sword he gave to kiba.
Issei:that is lunar I forgot to tell kiva its name ot means moon or lunar eclipse like blood moon.

The gave the a surprised look.
Azazel: I see that makes sense
Issei:also kiba the power the sword released two days ago was just a dust of its power it can do many things like manipulate the gravity of your opponent and can summon lunar dragonic knights  that have the power of the moon and that can use your sword birth.
This shock them and made them question how far it can go.
Xenovia:issei how far can lunar go exactly.
Issei gave her a emotionless look
Issei:it depends on kiba if he wished to draw infinite magic power and unleash earthquakes and storms and tsunamis of heavenly dragon level he could do that.
This made them pale but it also made rias happy but it she also had questions
Rias:issei does lunar have drawbacks?
Rias raises her eyebrow
Rias:like what exactly?
Issei:well to use certain forbidden and advance techniques like one of them is called luner beam of destruction. And heavenly moon light of hope and last one of the forbidden moves is primordial moons black hole eclipse.
This again shock them and made some of them shiver.
Azazel:so issei how can kiba access these moves?
Issei:these moves can only be access to certain ways some are necessary and some are a bit much and be what humans called smutty or something like that.
Kiba was blushing mad and azazel seemed intrigued while everyone else had questionable faces.
Issei:to first start off kiba would have to be bound to me so that I can understand how his body works and how it can develop. The others will I'll give him a few choices on how he would want to learn these moves.
Azazel:ok well then how does he become bound to you?
Issei:well I would have to mark him like how a alpha marks a omega and he would have to do the same.
Issei said that in a happy tone
This caused Asia and akeno to blush even rias and kiba and gasper were blushing as well.
Kiba:I'll think about it
Issei:alright but you won't be able to learn the forbidden or advance techniques or spell with that sword.
Rias rose her eyes brow
Rias:issei kiba is my knight he can't use magic how we do?
Issei gave her a passive tone
Issei:the sword allows issei to use magic like a queen or king piece and one of its abilities allows kiba to copy and use the same power of his opponent even if he's not battling them. The other ability is that it can make kiba presence disappear
Azazel:very interesting so I take it you know every single detail that sword has?
Issei:yes and I can evolve it if I wanted to
Rias:as much as I would love to chat more about this we need to go and pack for the train to go to the underworld.
After they were done packing they teleported to the train and issei sat next to kiba and played a card game so far issei was winning. Xenovia decided to spice things up and said loser has to do anything the winner says. Which they agreed and issei who was oblivious to this agreed as well. At the end of it xenovia won and the others were waiting who she was going to force to do whatever.
Xenovia thought for a minute and looked at issei and gave a devilish grin.

Xenovia:issei I want you to wear this outfit
They look at the outfit on the magazine that she was holding and it was a maid custom. Kiba blushed and was starting to have mental pictures and it was having the same effect on gasper.
Issei looked at the outfit and closed his eyes and a magic circle appeared over his head and then went down to his body and he was wearing the maid outfit. It made him look cute and it really did suit him well.
Xenovia:oh and issei for the entire day you have to serve kiba and do anything he and I say ok
Issei gave a emotionless look and said
Before xenovia could say anything rias and azazel arrived and saw what issei was wear and asked why he's wearing that issei explained and azazel was laughing his ass off and then he went to his room on the train. Then sona and her queen and saji showed up and saw what he was wearing and issei explained which caused saji to snicker then kiba told issei to flick him on the head which issei did by appearing right in front of him and with a flick knocked him out and crashed him into the wall. Sona apologized to which issei bowed like a regular maid would to royal which caught them off guard.

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