15. Unwanted Rage

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Bhim's POV:-

Today, like the mad west wind, again my wrath rises up. Today also, that torture pains Panchali. Till now, not a single moment, she lives without that trauma. Her eyes always remain in the lake of afraid and her beautiful lips became crook due to continuous drowning in it.

Jyesth, is the reason for her pain. I can't understand why he stakes her. Again, reminding that event, my blood boils. Knowing him not guilty, still, I can't forgive him.
Looking at Panchali crying with pain, my anger crosses all the bounds of mine. I shout, "Jyesth, from that day, she is crying like this. What was her crime for which she is suffering?", with full wrath.
I know, what I have done, it's not right. His misty eyes can be sensed by me in this dark room. His this calmness and simplicity give the opportunity to those evils.
Nakul and Arjun at an instant make my rage silent by realising myself.

Jyesth leaves the room silently keeping my words silent. My thoughts turn blank. I agree that I am overprotective towards my family. But, I am helpless, they make us helpless. As when we share our arms for protection, it hurts us only.
Staying together, still, we are all alone in our suffering.


Draupadi's POV:-

Every night it troubles me, a lot. It's a havoc nightmare horrifying me. Every time I close my eyes, I see that evil is coming, I scream loudly. I am single dressed, the blood in strains with blood, I oppose him, still he comes and hold my hair tightly and begin to pull my hair. Those rough stairs pocking my body while dragging, it seems like every part of my body will be smashed. And then, coming in the center of the Sabha hall, he pushes me hard. I lost control and faint on the floor. The Kauravas are laughing madly, as loud as they could.

"Is everything fine dear?" A familiar voice comes from the depth of my drowsiness, and I feel a pair of arm over my face and forehead, caressing slowly and finally hold me. It feels like snow on my burning. I try to grab him with my full, "Aarya, can't you hear they are laughing, Aarya, please don't let me go."
In my virtuality, that gloomy sabha hall is shaking, and my fingers rustling in the darkness of reality in search of my Aarya, "Aarya-, please stop this, please".
My unconscious body feel strong something over my shoulder, those arms, whom I am searching, and a gentle jerk which tattered my dark dream, "Panchali", then that voice, for which my ears are thirsty from long time, "No one is here dear, no one-".
My scrambling fingers rest on my Aarya Sahadev's cloak. Then my head touches his neck. I wrap my arm around, which partially covers his huge arms and finally my afraid thoughts surrender myself to him.
"Aryaa-", unconsciously my throat speaks, and my trembling body snuggle into his arms.
And my Aarya, with his full effort of love and care, caresses me with his protective arms.

It heels my all pains, wipes away my torturing memories for that certain time. In my shallow sense, I hear the wrath of Aarya Bhim, consoling voice of Aarya Nakul, and footsteps of Aarya Yudhishthir and Aarya Arjun. I don't know, what ignites them. I think, for me they are suffering. I want to shout loud to stop them. But I can't shout, it seems like my all organs became numb. I became so helpless and fall in Aarya's arms.

I don't know, how much time is passing like this. Slowly the unconscious sleep grasp me. Again I go deep down to the depth of dream. But this time, I can see, feel, sense myself surmounting on my Aarya.

Holding my Aarya's cloak tightly with my fingers, burying my face on the chest, I try to find the comfort which I used to get everytime. I believe, inside my Aarya's wrapped arms, I am the safest. My Aarya covering my bare shoulder with the cloak, adjusting my locks over my back, caressing my hair with the fingers, holding my chin and placing a gentle kiss on my forehead, while asking something to me in murmuring voice, my Aarya's warm breath over my cheeks, my Aarya's soothing touch- everything are heavenly to me.


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