Chapter 6: Justice Before Dawn

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Me and JoJo both fell asleep after crying for so long during the consolation that evening. George came to my chamber to tell us that it's past our supper, but he knew that he didn't want to disrupt us from our slumber.

After a couple of hours, my headaches sparked up again not because I didn't ate since my tea time, but it was something else. I twisted and turned in the mattress and groaned to the point of being awake and got out of my bed to investigate.

I walked downstairs and heard a bark from outside of the mansion, which caused my headache to worsen just like the pang I had earlier.

Damnit... I thought, what now...why did Dio tried to give me these aches again? No...I know what he'll actually do after I heard that bark...Is he actually going to burn Danny alive!?

I rushed outside and saw Dio carrying a rattling box to the incinerator.

"What are you doing with Danny!?"

Dio could hear me right when he was walking to the incinerator.

"Can't you see that I'm rather busy throwing away the waste?" Dio was lying — I could sense it in his sly voice.

"You're lying!" I objected with my voice filled with justice, "I could see the box rattling with something that is begging to be free; that object is a living thing, and those barks indicate me that you were trying to burn a dog! Tell me if I'm wrong, are you trying to incinerate Danny and ruin JoJo's life with a trustworthy companion?"

Dio was stunned that I knew what he was going to do that he dropped the box that broke into a million of pieces. Danny was freed from the tight prison and ran up to me so I could crouch and pet his chin.

"Danny, it's too dangerous to be around Dio." I convinced the dog, "Go hide somewhere he couldn't see you."

The dog ran and hid somewhere while I got up and confronted Dio with a determined look on my face.

"So you are trying to incinerate that poor dog, aren't you?"

"B-bastard..." Dio growled furiously as I exposed his plots with my evidence, "How....dare you.....How dare you ruin my chance to burn that mutt alive!?"

"I knew that you are going to do it because I used to do that in my reality that is similar to yours. Now that I knew what I did wrong, I had to stop you from making these choices in vain."

Dio pouted with envy and defeat when I used my justice to protect Danny from being burned alive.

Tch, this twin of mine is starting to piss me off... Dio thought, First he helped JoJo succeed, then he made the damsel avoid my move, and now he framed me for a murder that I will convict? What will be his next move? I will have to switch to Plan B if he keeps on pushing me out of the picture...

The next morning, I felt exhausted from waking up so late and saw JoJo greeting me with a good morning.

"Oh...good morning, I guess..." I yawned.

"Did you have a good sleep?"

"My headaches caused me to wake up last night and..." My words faded out because of how tired I was feeling.


"W-we can talk after we have our breakfast."

After our breakfast, we were walking to the courtyard and Danny ran up to us and barked cheerfully.

"Morning, Danny." JoJo crouched down to pet the dog as he greeted him. The dog licked JoJo's cheek with affection, which made me remember what I was going to say about last night.

"I never seen you this happy in my life." JoJo complimented his companion before I explained why he feels so much joy.

"I think he was overjoyed because of last night."

"What do you mean?"

"Last night, I had these headaches that woke me up imediately and rushed me down the stairs to hear Danny barking really loud. Dio was about to take him to the incinerator and burn him alive, but luckily I stopped my twin from making you suffer without a dog companion by using my sense of justice. I told the dog to run and hide from him so the incident won't happen."

"How could Dio do such a horrible thing?"

"Just like I said, I have unfortunate flashbacks that caused me to act swiftly to undo what has been done."

"Well, I'm glad that Danny is alright." JoJo smiled at me with relief before the dog barks again playfully.

"I think he wants to play fetch with us." I came to pet the dog as well.

"But, Dmitri, aren't you tired?" JoJo asked in concern as he inspected my dark circles on my eyes, "I think you needed to take a nap."

"Not really..." I replied before I changed my mind a second later, "Actually, I guess I should rest for now."

After having the justice to save a life of a dog companion, I deserved to rest my eyes and decompress from the headaches I had last night. All the day's work — until seven years later.

< To Be Continued |\/\|

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