Chapter 14: Hamon Suite ~ Third Movement ~ Marcia delle Rane, Inverte Il Fato

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(Contains wholesomeness, gore, mentioning about kissing, a tear-jerker, and violence. BE WARNED!)

"Zeppeli!" I let out a gasp when I thought that the baron was about to seal his fate.

"Be careful, my friend." Speedwagon worried as Zeppeli took a deep breath. Ondulazione croaked so Zeppeli could turn his head to the froggy.

"I'm sorry, mi caro," Zeppeli sighed and picked up the frog so it can look at his unfortunate eyes, "but I will have to take on the fight myself."

I wanted to help too, Will Anthonio Zeppeli.

The telepathic voice coming from Ondulazione caught Zeppeli by surprise, even I was awestruck from the telepathic voice the frog made. JoJo, Poco, and Speedwagon could barely hear the voice unlike me and the baron.

"Ondulazione..." Zeppeli gasped while was still speechless.

The man of music have found my dearest friends, Ondulazione explained, I was so happy to see them again after the sound of pure serenity brought us back into one piece. It was like a harmonic reunion that I never experienced in forever since I drew my first breath. And so as a gift of our gratitude, I would like to help you defeat the monster of pure anguish until the dawn.

Zeppeli was so moved by Ondulazione's blessing of assisting him in regards to fate blinding the baron like an endless fog.

"Mi caro..." He sniffled and wiped his tears off his face before he continued, "Alright, you and your friends could help me pummel Taruskus once and for all together."

Despite the heartfelt scene running short, Taruskus began to roar loudly.

"That's enough of ye soft side, geezer!" The knight yelled impatiently while JoJo tries to budge out from the collar.

Zeppeli lets out a loud hamon whistle to signal the frogs to arrange in a single file line behind him while Ondulazione hops onto his shoulder. Taruskus' eardrums were impaled from the whistle as if it was a loud screech.

With the sound waves from my violin and the baron's whistle present, I annotated in my head, Taruskus won't be able to hear a single noise; therefore it gives us an advantage to give the monster hell!

"Attention!" Zeppeli commanded the frogs with the expression of an army leader. The frogs stood tall as the baron give out the next command.

"Left face!"

The frogs leapt towards the left.

"Right face!"

The frogs leapt 180 degrees to their right.

"About face!"

The frogs leapt where they are facing Taruskus.

"Ready, Ondulazione?" Zeppeli looked over to the froggy with anticipation.

I've been born ready. Ondulazione replied telepathically before Zeppeli turned to the front.

"Il mio armata di rane," the baron's voice was determined and with a sense of dignity as he announced it to his frog army, "this will be our most fiercest fight we have ever fought. Even though we will lose one comrade to another, we'll still fight through the pain and defeat this monster no matter what!"

"Come to me, fools." Taruskus taunted Zeppeli, "You think your hamon will do any good?"

"We'll find out for ourselves." Zeppeli replied to the taunt without losing his cool before he commanded the frog army to get ready to strike.

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