5: Nightmares

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"She's not waking up"

"What do you mean she's not waking up? I thought it was supposed to help her not put her in a coma" you said very annoyed and freaked out. daisy wasn't awake and it's already been two days. Suddenly her heart line started to beep slower.

"Daisy please stay with me baby, don't go yet please" you cried out, holding her pale vainy lifeless hand. You squeezed it with all your might hoping it'd work.

But it just got slower.

You prayed with all your might she would hold your hand back.

It was her 10th birthday.

You bawled to the Doctor "THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO HELP HER NOT KILL HER" you yelled at them. Knowing it's partially not their fault but you were mad. You couldn't hear anything for a while before everything was starting to blur out to you, voices being faint, yelling before you collapsed.

And jumped.

It was a Nightmare.

You wake up gasping for a air a bit scaring Taehyung in the process, he was holding your waist to be close to him. In a deep sleep before you scared the life of yourself and him.

You started crying to yourself holding yourself a bit trying not to wake him up. Your poor boy had to wake up earlier today for a very special business meeting to intend to interview some new members, known as Txt you think. You were shaken looking down at your hands and remembering what was going on in the dream.

Daisy was dying.

You remember seeing her, out of color. Almost out of life. Her lips dark purple. Bald as a little baby, hands holding onto only the iv needles. The oxygen mask to only give her the last few moments. Her breathing getting slower by minutes and her eyes out of life.

You held your own mouth closed, even more terrified. You woke up Taehyung, he sat up immediately "babyyy what's wrong" his raspy voice calming you down very fast, he rubbed his eyes. "I-it was a nightmare Tae, a very bad one" you cried out to him, cuddling into his bare chest, silently, letting the tears fall even more. He played with your hair ever so gently, rubbing your bare back slowly "it wasn't real my love, it was just a nightmare, Shh it's ok I'm here". He calmed you down for most of the night. "You want me to bring you water?" He stood up, stretching a bit, before relaxing his body, shaking his little curls out of the way to see.

You nodded yes, but at the same time didn't want him to leave. He looked over at you and kissed your lips, you kissed back smiling a bit. "It was a nightmare beautiful" he cupped your face "don't let it scare you" he pecked your nose and stood up going to the kitchen, grabbing two cups of water for himself and you.

While he was doing so, you stood up, putting on one of his shirts to lean over to see Daisy, calmly sleeping, holding her small elephant you guys got for her. You loved animals, but your favorite was an elephant. You stroked her hair and leaned down to kiss her head. "I love you Daisy Divine" you smiled to yourself before seeing Taehyung enter the room handing the cup to you. You sat down slowly with your legs hurting a bit before you took a few sips.

"So what was the dream? Was it really bad"

You nodded your head "Daisy-" you choked up remembering, filling up the brim of your eyes with tears again you shook your head "she was dying in my arms taehyung" you finally got the courage to see, getting to cuddle him again. "I couldn't even stop her from doing it too". He just held you as close to you as possible. "Baby that's not gonna happen. We have the best doctors in town and if I have too, we'll get the best doctors from around the country, the world, to save our Daisy. Don't worry my love, she's strong she could handle this." He said to calm you down.

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