9: Pillows and shots

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"Y/N, it's great to see you" he smiled softly at you, pulling you into a hug which left you stunned.

"H-hi" you couldn't believe it, the boy that you wrapped around his finger was right here in front of you.

The boy that gave you your first kiss and held your hand when you were scared of the dark was hugging you again.

"Y/N there you are- what are you doing with him?" You heard Taehyungs voice behind you and you quickly pulled away. "Taehyung this is Hyunjin, Hyunjin this is Taehyung" they both greeted eachother.

"So you guys are a couple I see?"

"Yea we started dating about a year ago" Taehyung said holding you closer to your waist and smiled at him, with a cup in his other hand.

"Oh that's nice, wow Y/N you look really good"

"Thank you" you said blushing with the fact that your boyfriend and ex were about to be friends with eachother.

It was awkward.

"We gotta go now, but see you later Hyunjin, don't forget about that meeting on Wednesday?" Taehyung told him while shaking his hand.

"You got it, I'll see you there"

"Is he invited to daisys party?" Taehyung told you which made you wanna leave the earth with hYunjins reaction.

He was stunned "who is Daisy"

"Daisy is my daughter"

"You guys already have a daughter? Wow who knew" Hyunjin smiled at you looking a little hurt since it wasn't him anymore but he kept his cool.

"Oh n-no It's Williams but I have her in my custody" I told him

"Wait wha-"

"We gotta go now, bye!" I pulled Taehyung out of that small circle making my way to a less packed part of the building. It was huge.

"What was that all about how did you know Hyunjin?"

"He was my first boyfriend, before I met William and you should know the story from there" you told him.

You felt bad, in reality you really left Hyunjin for William. Before William didn't even go to your school and you were really happy with Hyunjin. When William came he twisted your mind, making you fall in love with him and leaving Hyunjin for him.

You couldn't help but think what would've happened if you never left Hyunjin? What could've been is the big question which left you lost in your mind.

"Y/N? Let's go home, I didn't have much business to do and I already met up with my Manager, we could go now" he held my hand as people took pictures of us for reasons, I do not really know.

You nodded as you held his hand while you both rushed out so there were no more paparazzi. No we know why, there were so many celebrities that you noticed from your dramas you'd watch and they attend those parties like it's normal. You were star struck before Taehyung pulled you into a limo putting his hand up so there weren't anymore pictures taken of you both. You cuddled in close to him "I miss Daisy" you pouted your lip out.

You really couldn't go a day without Daisy let alone an hour really. So you were nervous if anything bad had happened to your little one. She was always the top priority in your mind and you just wanted to keep her in your arms so that nothing would and could hurt her.

"I'm sure she's fine" Taehyung said while playing with your hair, he braided a small piece before stroking it slowly. With that you were out.


You woke up in your dress before you jumped up and ran to your bathroom

Did you leave your makeup on?

You looked in the mirror and felt relieved when you found your eyelashes on the counter and your earring and jewelry right next to it. Before you got struck with dizziness you quickly toppled your way back to Taehyung.

"Hold me" you said innocently, feeling his embrace on your waist you smiled and kissed his cheek. "What do you wanna eat?"

"You" he said smirking

"Ew you whore" you got your pillow and smacked him in the face.

"Owwww" he whined before throwing it back to you which knocked you out of the bed.

"I'm so sorry baby, you ok?" He held his hand out in which you pulled him down with you and you guys play fighted on the floor.

"Ok Ok I gotta get ready" he said smiling out of breathe sitting up.

You did the same while laughing and taking off the dress changing into clean shorts being in your bra.

He tickled you again before you both heard the door knock. "Shh" you said quietly before you tip toed, and peeled through the peephole.

You quickly ran to the room "it's your mom Tae" you ran to grab a shirt of some sort while he stood there laughing at the way you ran, you put on one of his shirts, before you heard Daisy.

"Where's my Daisy?" You said walking out slowly holding out your hands to her.

"mama" she said excitedly making her shoes squeak with all the steps she took, holding her hands up to you.

You grabbed her showering her in kisses before hugging tae's mom. "She was an angel like always, she missed you both a lot" she explained before she left quickly since she had work.

Tae held out his hands to her excitingly before she clapped her hands to him.

"Wowww she has favorites"

"Of course she does, do you see me?" He played around with her and smiled big. "I don't have to go to work until six, let's go to the aquarium?" He said while putting daisy down to let her walk around and play.

"I mean yea, I got a party planner and she agreed to do Daisys house on Saturday" I wrote it down on the calendar we had which was packed with a lot of things.

"Alright, I like that" Taehyung said, before getting a call heading out to the room.

You sat down with daisy before you heard some yelling.

"Uh oh that doesn't sound good". You told daisy while you both played with blocks which was her favorite.

You admired the way she was really smart even for a one year old. She knew her shapes pretty good and kept matching the colors perfectly. You couldn't wait for her to grow more.

"Fuck" you saw Taehyung go in a hurried manner.

"So no aquarium?" You looked up at him as he kissed both of you girls bye.

"Someone just broke into the building, there was some shooting too" Taehyung said worriedly.

"Oh my god, be careful" you said standing up kissing him on his cheek "please don't get hurt".

"I won't think about it" he kissed you goodbye as he ran out.

But that was just a start of the worst day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2020 ⏰

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