Genres Available

319 24 2

Please keep your eyes on the slots left. TEEN-FICTION, POETRY, FANTASY and ROMANCE Spots are completed.


🐧 ⋆ 🕊 🎀 𝒢𝐸𝒩𝑅𝐸𝒮 𝒜𝒱𝒜𝐼𝐿𝒜𝐵𝐿𝐸 🎀 🕊 ⋆ 🐧

☞ Action/Adventure (5 /10)

☞ Romance (10/10) ~~~ FILLED JUDGING

☞ Teen Fiction (10/10) ~~~ FILLED JUDGING

☞ General/ Historical/ Science Fiction (16/20)

☞ Horror/ Paranormal (5/10)

☞ Fantasy/ Werewolf/ Vampire (12/12) ~~~ FILLED  JUDGING

☞ Short Story (8/10)

☞ Chick-lit /Fan Fiction/Humor (12/20)

☞ Poetry (10/10) ~~~ FILLED  JUDGING

☞ Mystery/Thriller (7/10)

☞ Non Fiction/Random (4/10)


Please do not fill your genres here. Your forms will be rejected right away if you do so.


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