👦 Teen Fiction 👩

56 4 4

Judge: Emewata liasteashop


The Hoodie Girl

Cover and Title: 10/10
Blurb: 4/5 

Opening Chapter: Does the writer engage the reader's attention immediately? Is tone, setting and character established quickly? - 8/10

Characterization: Are characters believable, well-rounded? Actions and interactions consistent and well motivated? - 7/10

Plot: Does progression seem inevitable without being too predictable? Is the story interesting and compelling to read? - 8/10

Conflict: 10 Does the protagonist have a problem serious enough for the reader to care about? Is it solved satisfactorily? - 8/10

Protagonist and Antagonist: 8/10

Supporting Character: 4/5

Style and description: Is writing fresh and free of cliches? Does it reveal the writer's own vision and attitude clearly? Are viewpoint changes and pacing handled smoothly? - 7/10

Literary Devices: 7/10

Mechanics: Is the word limit and the pace of the plot accurate? Spelling accurate? Is the manuscript professionally prepared? Are historical details consistent and correct? - 7/10

Length of chapters: 10/10

Grammar and Punctuation: 7/10

Message: 8/10

Enjoyment and Overall Impression: 16/20

TOTAL (150) - 119/150

Review: I am absolutely in love with the cover. The blurb is geat and simple, but I feel like it needs more. It needs to be rewritten and fixed. I suggest you write it as a paragraph and not separate sentences. But if you prefer separate sentences, I suggest you rewrite it to be more catchy. Simple descriptions, simple writing. It’s easy and fast to read. But at some parts, I feel that it needs a bit more details. Plot is a bit too predictable in my side, but its great nonetheless. I feel like the story needs more details on Aria’s conflict with her father. It was a bit too fast for me. I think you need to give more details of that conflict in the start, with her father, her boyfriend and her bestfriend. It helps with her character development. Needs a bit fixing with punctuations and spellings. The dialogues and banters are great. The style of writing needs a little fixing. Especially when to cut a sentence or paragraph. All in all, it’s a great book.


Undeniable Love

Cover and Title: 8/10 
Blurb: 4/5 

Opening Chapter: Does the writer engage the reader's attention immediately? Is tone, setting and character established quickly? - 7/10

Characterization: Are characters believable, well-rounded? Actions and interactions consistent and well motivated? - 6/10

Plot: Does progression seem inevitable without being too predictable? Is the story interesting and compelling to read? - 6/10

Conflict: Does the protagonist have a problem serious enough for the reader to care about? Is it solved satisfactorily? - 7/10

Protagonist and Antagonist: 7/10

Supporting Character: 4/5

Style and description: Is writing fresh and free of cliches? Does it reveal the writer's own vision and attitude clearly? Are viewpoint changes and pacing handled smoothly? - 7/10

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