🧚 Fantasy | Werewolf | Vampire 🧛

34 4 4

Judge: Namrata8155 Sanjana43374 liasteashop


Book: Journey To Serelis | A Writer’s Collab

Cover and Title: 7/10.
Blurb: 5/5
Opening Chapter: 10/10
Characterization: 9/10
Plot: 8/10
Conflict: 8/10
Protagonist and Antagonist: 8/10
Supporting Character: 5/5.
Style and description: 9/10
Literary Devices: 9/10
Mechanics: 9/10
Length of chapters: 10/10
Grammar and Punctuation: 9/10.
Message: 10/10
Enjoyment and Overall Impression: 18/10
TOTAL (150) - 134/150

Review: For the cover, I feel like it needs to be a bit more colorful. Given the kind of story, it needs to give off that adventure vibe. Color choice of the title also needs to be more eye-catching and easy to read. Blurb is simple yet amazing. It had me curious and excited to read the book. The chapters are very well-written, but there are a few mispellings in between that needs fixing. Characters, main and supporting, are also very well-written. All very well planned out. They’re very believable and relatable. Descriptions are amazing. As a reader, I can picture the scenario and place well. I suggest for the chapter titles, you don’t put it as 2.5 or stuff like that. Just continue on with the numbers. 1,2,3,4,5 etc. All in all, it’s great. I love the plot. I love the story.


Book: The Panther - The Velvet Case

Cover and Title: 9/10
Blurb: 4/5
Opening Chapter: 8/10.
Characterization: 7/10.
Plot: 7/10
Conflict: 7/10.
Protagonist and Antagonist: 7/10
Supporting Character: 4/5.
Style and description: 7/10
Literary Devices: 7/10.
Mechanics: 7/10.
Length of chapters: 10/10.
Grammar and Punctuation: 7/10.
Message: 8/10
Enjoyment and Overall Impression: 17/20.
TOTAL (150) - 116/150

Review: I absolutely love the cover. The panther and the snake on the cover is a very good touch. However, i think the wording , “Velvet Case” , needs to be a bit more clearer. The blurb is great and simple but I feel like it’s revealing too much of the story. I suggest you give it a more mysterious vibe. Plot has great potential. I know it’s a short sized story, but it sometimes lack on the details. I was a bit confused in between that I had to go back a few chapters and read again. Supporting charatcters also needs to be more stronger, they need more character. There are spellings, punctuations and grammars that needs fixing. Dialogues also lack a bit of that interesting factor. All in all, it’s a great plot. There’s a lot of potential. But it needs fixing.


Book: Amethyst 1. Inception

Cover and Title: 8/10
Blurb: 5/5
Opening Chapter: 10/10.
Characterization: 9/10
Plot: 8/10
Conflict: 8/10
Protagonist and Antagonist: 8/10
Supporting Character: 5/5
Style and description: 9/10
Literary Devices: 9/10
Mechanics: 8/10
Length of chapters: 10/10.
Grammar and Punctuation: 8/10.
Message: 10/10.
Enjoyment and Overall Impression: 17/20.
TOTAL (150) - 132/150

Review: An incredible piece of work. Characters are well developed and the setting is well placed. The story in general is unique, differs from the usual cliches ones, however, i feel that at times, some chapters are focused too much on one scene or character i'd say. It gets to a point where i as a reader, begin to lose my attention to the story. The plot of the story fits every fantasy craving readers' criteria, but it just gets too long at some parts for me. The usual excitement and wanting to keep on reading energy slowly fades away when it's too focused on one character or the situation. The thought and creativity put into this story is astounishing, it just needs some work on the focus in some chapters.

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