Wedding plans...

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No ones POV
After mei an yuzu went out to the stores. They got what they needed and and were walking back home.

Yuzu POV
" I am going to go and find a minister for our wedding, is that ok mei" I said to mei. " yes that's fine, I am going to walk home and clean up a bit" mei said. Me and mei walked in different directions.

I saw the love of my life walk in a different direction then me. I felt a tight pain in my chest, I knew I would see her again but I just hated being without her. I ran to yuzu and grabed her arm. " actually I... I want to go with u" I said to yuzu. " ok that fine" yuzu said and kissed me on the head.

No ones POV
Mei and yuzu walked to the church and signed papers to have there wedding. They met the man that would be approving of the wedding. He was a nice man a shook yuzu hand. He looked at mei with a creepy look.

Yuzu POV
" thank u for everything" I said to the man. He nodded and walked out the church. Me and mei walked out of the church. "Wait here mei, I am going to go get us a drink" I said to mei.

No ones POV
Yuzu walked out of sight and went to go get drinks for her and mei. Suddenly out the corner of mei's eye the man walked up to her and held a knife. "Come with me if u want to live" he said to mei.

Mei grabbed her phone quietly and called yuzu.  Yuzu picked up the phone and right before she was about to say anything she heard the man talking to mei and he started to threaten her.

Yuzu POV
I ran out the store and sprinted to mei "plz be ok mei" I said to myself.

Authors note
I'm sorry this was short a lot is happening with the virus. Hope u all are staying safe. I will try to upload as much as I can.

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