The Suicidal Girl

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"Yes, that was Xerneas."

Ash was in disbelief from the fact that Serena had met one of the most illusive Pokémon in the whole region.

"Xerneas can really do that?"

Serena and Ash both decided to leave it at just that and get on with their presentation. They decided to settle on an agreement. Serena would make the presentation and Ash would do the presentation.

Serena, even though she was best friends with Ash, is actually very shy and doesn't like to speak in front of people. Ash was fine with it, so they decided to do that.

"So I just sit here? I don't need to help you, right?" Ash asked, hoping Serena would do it all for him.

Ever since the incident, Ash really hasn't been that good at school. He doesn't really do his work, when he does, it's mediocre at best. He usually gets detentions; Serena is his only hope of getting any good grades.

"Sure Ash."

Serena worked for an hour or two before Ash eventually decided to help her. Serena insisted that she didn't need help, but Ash wanted to help her anyways.

"So what are we doing? Do I need to research or something?" Ash asked, wanting to help any way he could.

"Well, you could go and get some books or something." Serena answered.
"Sure, I'll go to the library I guess."

Ash left and headed for the library to rent some books which would help Serena.

Serena kept on working. She wanted a good grade, but also wanted Ash to get a good grade.

On the way to the library, Ash saw her again. Miette. This time he decided to stop and talk to her.

"What, Ash? Why are you talking to me?"
"I want to know how you are. You seem different to a while ago."
"Well, Ash, you really want to know?"

She lifted up her sleeve to reveal cuts and bruises on her arm. She was covered in them. Ash didn't know what to say.

"There's more than that, as well." She lifted up her jacket so Ash could see the bottom of her stomach. Yet again, it was filled with cuts. Miette was quite thin, even before now, but Ash had noticed that she had got significantly smaller.

"Look, Miette. If you need to talk, I'm here. I know we haven't gotten on in the past, but I want to help you."

"You can't help now."

Later that day, Miette was confirmed to have committed suicide.

She hung herself. At least now she was reunited with Calem.

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