Miette's Story ~ 1

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Twice in one day? I'm enjoying writing this book at the moment, so yes, twice in one day.

Miette was born in Kalos. When she was young, her father was an alcoholic. He abused Miette's mom. He walked out on them when Miette was still very young. She didn't really remember her Dad for being some sort of inspiration. She just knew him as some abusive man.

Miette grew up with only her mom. She never wanted to meet her dad. She was a loner at school, she never really had any friends.

So when she met Serena, she thought she had a friend for life.

Miette started school at a different one to Serena, but Miette was forced to move because her mom and step-dad were moving.

Miette moved schools at a time where Ash was in Kanto, so she thought that Serena was just like her. She thought Serena had no friends, no love.

She decided to become friends with Serena because of this. Their first conversation went a little like this.


Serena approached Miette cautiously. Miette was the new girl everyone was talking about. No one really seemed to want to talk to her, though, so Serena decided that she would befriend the new girl.

"Hi, I'm Serena! What's your name?"

Miette was startled that someone had approached her. During her time at her old school, she had friends, but they weren't good friends. Some backstabbers, some fake people; Miette was done with having friends until she met Serena.

"Hi. I'm Miette." She was still very confused on why someone had approached her.

"Miette. What a great name! Can we be friends?" At this point, Miette couldn't really trust Serena; she didn't really know her.

"Why not?" Miette decided to become friends with her anyway. One friend is better than none. Serena seemed quite nice.

Serena decided that she would help Miette around school, be her mini tour guide if you will. Miette really never experienced this kindness before in her life, she admired Serena and wanted to be like her.

Miette and Serena sat together at lunch that day, and Serena really began to introduce herself then.

"So, I'll tell you a bit about myself. I don't really have any friends, I get bullied a lot. That guy over there is the 'bad' boy of the school."

She pointed at Calem. Miette looked over and noticed that Calem was staring right at her.

At the end of the day, Serena even decided to walk with Miette. She wanted to learn more about the new girl.

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