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Lacey looked up as Leigh walked in. She smiled. "Is everything okay?" She asked.

"No. Warren is back. He told me that Mia has leukaemia. She needs a transplant."

Lacey was shocked. She saw how heartbroken Leigh was. "Have you seen her?"

Leigh shook her head. "No. Warren says she's in a private ward away from here. He said I can see her when I've given her the bone marrow."

Lacey nodded. "Have you been tested?"

"Yeah. Warren and I went there. I'll find out tomorrow," Leigh said.

It was 3am when Lacey walked downstairs. She saw Sami sitting on the sofa. "Can't sleep?" He asked.

"No. I haven't been able to sleep since I got let out. It's been so hard and horrible," Lacey admitted. She looked at him. "How come you can't sleep?"

Sami sighed. "Leigh and I had a row. I told her that Warren is only lying to her. He won't stick around with Mia."

"I know. I don't trust him either. But Leigh needs our support."

Sami nodded. He said nothing though. He looked at Lacey. "Try and get some sleep. I'll see you in the morning," he said.

Lacey watched as he walked back upstairs. She knew she wanted him. But she couldn't. She couldn't go there. She couldn't ruin her relationship with her sister.

When she eventually got some sleep and woke up, she walked downstairs. She saw Leigh sitting on the sofa. "I need your help."

"What's wrong?"

Leigh sighed. "I think Warren is lying to me about where Mia is. I think she's at Dee Valley hospital. You have an appointment there today don't you? Will you please see if you can find them?"

Lacey frowned. But she nodded. She couldn't stop thinking about Sami. She wanted to see him again. She sighed. "I'll do what I can."

"Thank you. I owe you so much. You were there for me during all this. You couldn't even tell me what you were going through. I'm a rubbish sister to you."

"You're not Leigh. You're the best. I love you so much. I don't want you to ever think that I think that you weren't never there for me," Lacey said.

Lacey arrived at the hospital. She saw Sami waiting for her. "What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Leigh told me you had a checkup. I wanted to be here for you and show you some support," he said.

Lacey smiled and thanked him. The two of them walked inside. Lacey spotted Warren and looked at Sami. "I just need the toilet. I'll be back soon."


Lacey followed Warren to the private oncology ward. She followed him to a room and watched as he opened the door.

Lacey was shocked to see her niece there. She quickly took a photo before she went back to Sami.

Lacey left the hospital in tears. She had been told that there had been some damage done so it was unlikely she would be able to have kids.

Sami pulled her into his arms and held her close as she cried. She looked at him.

All of a sudden, Sami kissed her. She kissed back and it quickly got heated. Lacey pulled away and frowned. "That shouldn't have happened! You're with my sister."

Sami sighed. "But it's you I want."

Lacey shook her head. "No. I'm sorry."

She walked away and went back to the flat.

Lacey was sitting in her bedroom when Leigh walked in. She sighed. "Sami told me."


"I'm so sorry. That prick will get what's coming to him."

Lacey sighed in relief thinking Sami had told her about their kiss. She smiled. "There's a small chance I can have babies."

Leigh nodded. She sat down next to her and pulled her into a hug. "I promise. Everything will be okay. I will always be here for you. Love and support you. Okay?"

Lacey smiled and nodded. She handed Leigh her phone and showed her the photo. "She's in the hospital. It's a private ward."

"Tomorrow. I take my daughter back. And I show Warren Fox how it feels to lose everything."

Lacey frowned. But all that she had on her mind was the kiss she had with Sami

Lacey sat in the kitchen and sighed. Sami walked in and smiled. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"It's insane. But I can't stop thinking about our kiss. I don't know what it meant. But it's all I've thought about all day."

Sami walked towards her and sighed. He placed his hands on her waist and went to kiss her only for the door to open and DeeDee walked in. "What's going on?"

"Nothing babes. Go back to bed."

DeeDee walked back off upstairs. Lacey looked at Sami. But could she keep herself from falling deeper for Sami Maalik?

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