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Lacey stood in the kitchen of the flat. Lacey knew that her head was a mess and all that she could think over was sami and what was going on with them.

She knew thst they had sex but she hated herself for it. She hated knowing that she had hurt her sorer, she knew that Leigh was the last person that she wanted to hurt and she hated what she had done but she also knew that she couldn't stop thinking over sami and what happened. Lacey looked as the door opened and how sami walked in.

Lacey looked to him and smiled "are you okay?" He asked as she looked to him and nodded, Lacey knew that she was falling for him

"I'm fine, I have court next week and I don't know if I can do it, I don't know if I can go. I'm so scared" she said as he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into a hug and smiled

"I know but you are one of the bravest people I know and it is going to be okay, I am here and I am not going to go anywhere, I will be with you and it will be okay" he said as she looked to him and smiled. He leant in and kissed her as she kissed him back for a moment before she looked to him

"We can't" she said as he nodded

"where's Leigh?" Lacey asked as Sami smiled "she was at the hospital with warren and Mia" he said as Lacey nodded.

The two of them went up to the bedroom. Sami got Lacey onto the bed and got between her legs. He took off her dress and thong before running his hands up her body.

Lacey couldn't stop the moans escaping from her mouth. She knew it was wrong. But she couldn't help herself. Not with how much she wanted him.


Lacey went to the hospital to see Leigh. She got there and saw her sister and Warren. They were talking.

Lacey walked over. "Hey. Thought I'd come and see the little lady. Considering the last time I saw her, I was helping Leigh escape."

Warren smirked and nodded. "You did good kid."


Warren walked back into the room. Lacey looked at Leigh and felt guilt. She felt guilt for sleeping with her boyfriend and enjoying it.

Leigh frowned. "Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I'm just... I don't feel too good today. The court case is next week and my anxiety is kicking in," Lacey said. She wasn't entirely lying.

Leigh smiled. "Mia will be out by then. The transplant went well. So I'll ask Warren to watch her with mum and then I can be there for you."

"You'd do that?"

Leigh smiled and nodded. "Yes. You're my sister. I'd do anything for you."

Lacey hugged her and smiled. But would Leigh still want to support her even when she found out she had been sleeping with her boyfriend?

Lacey had no idea how her affair with Sami was about to be blown out of control.

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