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Komaru's POV

As soon as I say her name she start blinking. "Agh- sorry were you saying something..?" She stutters scratching the back of her head. Did she space out or something? "Are you ok?" I ask trying to read her. It's always been skill I've had. I could easily see if someone was sad or uncomfortable. "Y-Yeah I'm fine.." she mumbles, "I just spaced out a little that's all..." lies...though I don't want to press her about it. "If you don't mind me asking, but um...what was that call just now?" I ask desperately trying to get an answer from her. " was just..." I watch as she trips over her own words, it's kind of shocking on how quiet she's being. Normally she's so open about this kind of thing. "Nothing important..." she mumbles, I can barely hear her. I frown, "If it's personal then you don't have to tell me, but..." I drift off into my own words. I can't finish the sentence. I don't want to scare her. I know how sensitive she can be. She pauses and stares at the floor. Is she trying to come up with an excuse? No, I should assume that. I mean she wouldn't lie to me right? I hope...though doubt isn't going to get me anywhere. I just hope whatever she says it's something that I can understand.

Toko's POV

Oh god. I mean it isn't personal, but I don't want them to come and I don't want to worry Komaru. She already seems worried enough about me. Her company is kind of nice. I don't want her to leave yet. Not in a weird way, but...I just enjoy being around her. She's like that kind of person that see's you drop money and will give right back. I never understood such a sweet person before. Until I met takes me a moment to realize Komaru was still standing in front of me, "You ok?" She asks tilting her head a little. "I um..." I can't even respond to something as simple as that. "It's ok you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." She cheerfully smiles, it makes my heart warm. She turns around and grabs my water bottle and hands me it. "Oh thank you..." I look at the bottle surprised, "No problem! I knew you were gonna reach for because I'm psychic!" She makes her hands into a weird shape almost like bat wings. I flick her forehead, "Sure, keep dreaming." Her and I would always joke about her being psychic if she knew someone wanted something or that something was going to happen. "Well, you wanna watch some movies?" She asks grinning at me, I know what this means. "Komaru for the last time, I'm not going to let you pick our movie." I groan, though I don't have taste in movies Komaru watches really stupid stuff. "Oh come on! They might be a little cheesy, but they're cute!" Komaru agrues. I never understood the purpose of cheesy romance movies and never will. I always hated how predictable they were. The same old story over and over again. The people meet, they gain feelings for each other, and then confess their love and live happily ever after. Normally in the story they either get married or have 4 kids, the worse case is with Christmas movies. I'm not even going to get into those.

"Pleeeeeeeaaaaasssseee?" Oh no she's doing it. She's giving me the puppy dog eyes. I hate it when she does that, she knows I can't say no. I sigh and think for a while. "Fine, but make sure to choose a good movie for once." I roll my eyes. "Aw, you know me so well." She giggles and turns on my TV. I grab a blanket from my room and sit on the couch. She sits next to me and debates on which movie to pick. "What movie will you hate the most..?" She mumbles to herself, "Hey!" I laugh and elbow her. I hear her laugh a little before going completely concentrated again. I'm glad I get to at least spend the day with her. "Got it!" She shouts proudly, "I'm right here you know, there's no need to yell..." I groan. "Oh sorry." She laughs and plays the movie. She wraps herself under the blanket with me and sit through for a while. I suddenly get tired and rested my head on Komaru's shoulder. I closed my eyes barely being able to open them back up.
I wake up and hear Komaru sniffling from above my head. I pull my head up to look at her. "Toko...did I wake you up...? I'm sorry I.." she stutters, is she ok? "Why are you crying?" I yawn getting scooting closer to her. "The movie was adorable..." she rubs her reddish eyes, "Komaru don't lie to me." I groan. "No I'm literally not kidding they kissed and it was like the cutest thing ever." Komaru laughs while trying to wipe the tears that keep falling down her face. I laugh a little and wipe the tears falling down her face. Her eyes are so pretty...I can't help, but look into them. I feel my face burn up a little. I shake off the feeling and laugh a little bit. "Why? I thought you had boyfriend you could do this stuff with. Maybe Makoto?" I tease her, "No!!! He's my brother!" Komaru pushes me lightly.

I always liked to joke about Komaru having a brother complex. I can tell she somewhat looks up to him because the older one making him wiser. Honestly, I wouldn't be to surprised if she did. The thought of Komaru with Makoto is kind of...making me worried. Sure I joke around about it, but what happens if they do get together? Will Komaru not talk to me anymore? Will I have to be by myself all over again? It hurts my head knowing that Komaru can be with others. Sure she can make friends I don't mind, but if she's dating them....I feel a knot in my stomach just thinking about it..."Hey Toko?" Komaru scoots closer to me, "Yeah?" I respond facing towards the tv. "Do you wanna pick the movie this time?" she grins, I can't even respond. "Oh come on Komaru, you know I have bad taste in movies." I shrug. Despite my insults on movies, I really don't have tastes in movies. As a kid, I never really watched movies or shows. I was the quiet kid who normally just wrote and read. And now I still don't watch movies all to often. I don't watch shows either. Not saying I'm any special, I'm just saying that I normally just grew up having a passion from writing. "Oh come on it can't be that bad." She complains sarcastically, she knows I don't watch movies. The only thing that comes to mind is romance since that's the on genre I can bare through. "Well then, no complaints! I'm picking again!" She yells proudly while looking for a movie. I laugh a little, for some reason Komaru has always been the one to get excited over something that's not a big deal. It's kind of cute in a way. I look back at the tv then...I feel something. I feel my nose starting to move. Oh no not now. Before I could stop myself... I felt myself sneeze.

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