Saying Goodbye

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It was a windy day in Tune Town. Bugs, Daffy, and Penelope were saying Goodbye to their friends and neighbours as they were flying back to Hollywood. 

"I wonder who's next to move." Penelope said glumly." 

"Not me. Because Tune Town is my home." Daffy said sternly. 

"Penelope, You're not leaving right?" Bugs asked Penelope. "Not you too?!" Daffy exclaimed.

"My folks were discussing so I don't know if we're moving or not." Penelope explained.

"It's obviously No. It's two votes against one," Daffy said. 

"Correction, It's one against one. With me in the middle. I don't want to be on either side." Penelope corrected Daffy.

"I can't believe you ever thought of leaving your home. Penelope Pussycat. Don't expect me to send you off." Daffy scolded the female cat and just like that he went off in a huff. 

"Don't despair, He's just sad that he's going to lose another friend." Bugs cheered Penelope and the two walked back together.

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