The Trio having Fun

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Bugs, Daffy, and Penelope were at the airport.  

"So have your folks made up yet?" Bugs asked Penelope. "Yes. We all decided to stay." Penelope answered Bugs' question. 

"That's good, otherwise, We're sure to miss you." Daffy added. Penelope looked at the window of the airport and saw the plane flew away. 

"You know what? Sooner or later, we'll all have to fly back." Penelope told Daffy.  

"Yes. One day, that day will come. But even if we leave Tune Town, Our home will always be in our hearts." Daffy said in response to Penelope's advice.

"You know what? Tune Town Forever." Penelope cheered. Bugs then added his own motto "Friends Forever." he said. 

After saying goodbye to Elmer at the Airport. The three of them went to the Tune Town Mall to have fun.

The End.

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