Failed attempt to catch a criminal

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At 5 pm, Elmer took a view from Bugs and Daffy's bedroom. 

"Thank you guys for letting me have this room." Elmer was in bliss. 

"We men, Can take hardships." Daffy told Elmer. "Sleeping on a sofa builds character." added Bugs. 

"You two trying to find a reason to camp outside?" Mr. Avery asked. "No." Daffy and Bugs both answered.

"Here's the plan. We'll sneak out after dark and wait for Giovanni to show." Daffy told Bugs his plan. 

"How would you know for sure it's him?" Bugs asked Daffy. 

"He sabotaged Elmer's home so he will sure to do the same to ours." Daffy explained. 

"Wait, Mr. Holmes. I doubt that Giovanni sabotaged Elmer's house." Bugs protested. 

"You think the termites overnight to go to Elmer's house?" Daffy asked Bugs. "I just think that we should think twice before jumping to conclusions." Bugs told Daffy. 

"Think all you want. I will help them." Daffy said and he went inside the house. Bugs was left scratching his ears in confusion.

That night, Daffy was outside the house. Bugs was walking when he was startled, 

"Caught you, Giovanni!" Daffy said still asleep. 

"It's me!" Bugs yelled waking Daffy in the process. 

"What'd you doing there?" Daffy asked Bugs. "Helping you of Course!" Bugs said. 

"By the way, Mr. Avery has been feeding us the same food: Eggs, so why is it that your bigger and stronger?" Bugs questioned. 

"It is one hundred percent confirmed its the eggs." Daffy answered Bugs. 

"Than I rather remain a Bimbo." Bugs then went straight to the point. 

"Any signs of the fella?" he asked. Daffy shook his head in the answer of "No." 

"Why not I take the first shift then you get some sleep." Bugs suggested and he took over Daffy's post. 

"Operation: Termite Buster Activated." Bugs said as he sat in his post.

Two hours later, Bugs fell asleep after waiting for so long.

"Wake up Bugs. Someone's here." Daffy woke Bugs. Mr. Avery had his weapon of a whip. 

"What did I say about camping outside?!" He yelled. 

"Mr. Avery, we have a good reason!" Daffy yelled. Mr. Avery was so furious that he chased Bugs and Daffy around the house waking Elmer in the process who was sitting on the sofa. 

"We're just trying to protect our home." Daffy explained. 

"Enough with the excuses, You two are getting from bad to worse." Mr. Avery scolded the two. "We were trying to catch Giovanni in the act of Sabotage." Bugs told Mr. Avery. 

"He sabotaged Elmer's house and he's sure to do the same to ours." Daffy explained to Mr. Avery.

Mr. Avery believed in Elmer's side of the story and the four of them took turns to keep an eye on Giovanni. Bugs and Daffy outside the house. Elmer was in the guys' bedroom and Mr. Avery in the kitchen.

The next morning, Bugs woke Daffy up. 

"I think it's safe to say he won't show up," Daffy argued back. 

"He'd sure to show up." Bugs then asked him, "What kind of criminal shows up in broad daylight?" A knock was heard. 

All four of them attacked the supposed criminal but it was revealed to be Penelope. 

"You. Daffy come here now!" Penelope scolded Daffy. She took Bugs and Daffy to her house. 

"Did you do this to get back at me?" Penelope asked Daffy. "Why do you always think the worse of me?" Daffy asked. 

"You're always playing pranks on me and others." Penelope explained. 

"This is not a prank." Daffy told her. "Its Sabotage." Bugs said finishing Daffy's sentence. 

"Sabotage? Are you guys staying up late each night to watch Damien Drake movies?" Penelope questioned the two. 

"Listen, Penelope, Did this rude man came to your house yesterday?" Bugs asked the cat. "Yes," Penelope answered. "His name's Giovanni." Daffy added. 

"How'd you know?" Penelope asked the two. The two proceeded to explain yesterday's events.

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