Elmer's Problem

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The next morning, Bugs and Daffy spent their morning sweeping the leaves away from the garden for Mr. Avery. 

Elmer ran to Bugs and Daffy. "Kerosene. Borrow Please." He said while panting from all the running from his house. 

"It is for one of your treasure hunts?" Bugs asked. 

Elmer shook his head and said "No. My house is infested with termites." Elmer explained as he breathed heavily.

"Daffy, can you lend me a bottle?" Elmer asked Daffy and he went to the shed to grab the bottle of Keresone for him.

The three of them went to Elmer's house to splash Kerosene around his house. 

"Elmer, you can't stay here. Why don't you stay over at our house?" Daffy told Elmer. Elmer agreed to Daffy's suggestion and he went inside to pack his necessities. 

Daffy spotted another card, it was the same card that they had yesterday. 

"Elmer! This Mr. Giovanni guy, Did he ask you to sell your house?" Daffy questioned Elmer. 

"I saw him yesterday." Elmer answered. 

Daffy asked Elmer, "What did you tell him? He asked.

"I told him to get lost. I wouldn't dare leave this town." Elmer told Daffy and he continued packing his necessities. 

"Wait a minute Bugs, Don't you think Elmer's termite problem came out of nowhere?" Daffy asked Bugs. 

"I'd doubt it." added Bugs. "It's definitely him. We can't let him get away with this." Daffy told Bugs. " You've got it!" Bugs said as the two cheered each other with the bottles of Kerosene. 

Daffy went home but Bugs stayed behind with a worried look on his face as he felt it wasn't Mr. Giovanni's doing.

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