Giovanni's Defeat

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Back at the Avery house, Giovanni was getting a painful massage from Mr. Avery. 

"I can't believe you think I'm guilty of such Heinous crimes: Sabotage, Kidnapping, Murder." Mr. Avery wanted to answer but was interrupted by Bugs and Daffy's laughter. 

"Do you think I'm a supervillain?" Giovanni asked the two. "I'm so sorry my boys caused you so much trouble." Mr. Avery apologised to Giovanni. 

"That's okay. It's all part of my job. Now you know I'm actually nice." Giovanni forgave Mr. Avery. "Would you consider?" He asked Mr. Avery. 

"No." Mr. Avery answered. "Maybe you would reconsider?" Giovanni convinced Mr. Avery. "The answer is still No." He answered again.

 "Mr. Avery think about it, Isn't life in the city better than this backwood town?" Giovanni questioned Mr. Avery."

'I'm not your grandfather!" He yelled at Giovanni. 

"Mr. Avery I have your interest at heart. At your age, Do you still want to slog around?" Giovanni tried to ask Mr. Avery. 

"My age?!" Mr. Avery being furious about his age, grabbed his whip and chased him out. 

That was the breaking point: Whenever someone commented on his age, he got furious. 

"Here's my card!" Giovanni exclaimed as he gave the card to the man. 

Giovanni ran as fast as he could that he accidentally bumped into Elmer. 

Elmer too furious to say anything, just gave Giovanni the gesture of "What is your problem?" with his arm stretched out. 

After lashing out at the man with non-violent action and non-communication, Elmer went inside the house.

Hollywood or BustDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora