Elmer's confession

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The next morning, the four of them were in the living room. Elmer sat with Mr. Avery while Bugs and Daffy were next to the Tv. 

"Elmer." Mr. Avery called the man. "Guys. Go to your room." Mr. Avery instructed the two. 

"But Mr. Avery, We want to listen." Bugs protested. 

"Go!"Mr. Avery yelled at the two and they obeyed his command. 

Whenever Mr. Avery used that tone, it's usually: Babe or Else. But there was nothing in his tone that said the two could eavesdrop on their conversation. 

"I'm sorry Mr. Frederick Bean." Elmer began his apology. "Call me Avery." Mr. Avery corrected Elmer. Elmer began his proper apology to him for the Termite fiasco. 

"Mr. Avery, I'm very sorry especially since you have been so nice to let me stay here," Elmer said in a sincere voice.

"Then you must have a very good explanation to do all this right?" Mr. Avery questioned Elmer. Elmer began his tale. 

"Here in Tune Town, I have a grandma, one brother and wife and daughter Maryanne, and many many more. But if all of you were to leave, I would have no one else." Elmer confessed.

"You did all this just to make us stay? Mr. Avery questioned Elmer. "If something is trying to drive you away, all the more you want to stay on." Elmer explained his actions from the previous night. 

"Are you going to report me to the police?" Elmer said out of fear.

"You are part of my life. Will I do that?" Mr. Avery comforted Elmer. "Mr. Avery." Elmer muttered. 

"No more such stupid actions again. Or Else." Mr. Avery forgave him with a warning. 

"Yes, Mr. Avery." Elmer said as he gave Mr. Avery a salute.

"I think you should think twice about moving to the city." Mr. Avery convinced Elmer. 

"I heard that there is still more buried treasure in Hollywood. Some say that the Golden gun used by Roger Moore is still buried in the Hollywood Warehouse." Mr. Avery told Elmer the tale of the many props of Hollywood movies. 

Upon hearing the word "Treasure," Elmer smiled and he packed his stuff. He flew back to Hollywood the day after.

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