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Hinata still isn't asleep after 3 hours.
Hinatas POV:
hmmm... i dont wanna get up and wake up y/n.. she looks so cute. But I'm thirsty... it can wait! I should probably get to sleep anyways.
Hinata scoots down and drifts off to sleep slowly. By time he does it's 4:21AM..
You wake up and see hinata sleeping soundly..
you go down to the kitchen and decide to make breakfast for hinata and you. And of course his little sister.
You made a breakfast that looks like this.


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Y/n: DONE. ugh. Now I have to wake up little Ed Sheeran up there
You giggle at your own joke and head upstairs to hinatas room.
you slide on his comfy bed and stare at him sleeping. Y/n: hinata... pssttt...
He says in a raspy voice.
Y/n: I made you and I breakfast. I made some for your sis too.
You say smiling.
Hinata gets up and gets dressed for the day. He heads down stairs.
H:wow! It looks great y/n-Chan!
Y/n: t-thanks!
You guys eat. Hinata eating your breakfast like a pig.
Y/n: slow down you're gonna choke.
H: you're even acting like tsuki now.
Y/n: I-I DO NOT! B-Baka..
Hinata giggles at you.
Y/n: hmph..
h: let's go somewhere. My mom is gonna wake up soon.
Y/n: okay.
You wash your dish and hinata washes his.
Y/n: can we visit the hospital to see how tsuki is doing?
H: I have a surprise for you, can we go after?
He whines.
Y/n: okayyyy I guesssss
H: yay!!
He hops in joy.
He grabs your hand and heads out the door.
(Yes,you're already dressed)
Hinata and you were walking for what felt like hours. It has only been 15 minutes though..
you see a Ferris wheel in the distance. Y/n: ARE WE GOING TO THE FAIR?
You laugh at hinata and you continue to walk towards the fair.

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