Chapter 3- Most People

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Jungkook's keys clanged loudly as he dropped them onto the counter, exhausted. He fell down onto the couch face first, not even bothering to take off his dirty shoes. It's not like anyone else was around to scold him.

    It had been another long day at the parlor, his only break being his trip to the grocery store with Namjoon to get snacks and booze for later.

    Not that he was complaining; he had gotten to see Taehyung, after all.

    It had been quite a shock, actually- here he was stressing over the fact that Taehyung still hadn't texted him, and then as if the universe had answered his silent pleas, he had looked up and there he was.

    Jungkook wasn't much of a relationship guy- flings were easier, and responsibility and commitment were wastes of his time in his opinion. There was just something... different about Taehyung.

    Maybe it was his black, fluffy hair, or his cute little sweater vest, or his tanned skin, or his slightly uneven eyes, or the little mole on his perfect nose, or his boxy smile, or his low, honey voice.

    Something like that.

    Whatever it was about Taehyung made Jungkook feel weird all over- the boy was like a magnet, and he was drawing him in, no matter how hard he tried to pull away.

    Jungkook was suddenly awoken from his thoughts by the sound of his phone vibrating.

    That's strange, he thought, getting up off the couch and shuffling over to the counter where it had been dropped next to his keys. It was pretty late, almost 12 am.

    It better not be Namjoon calling about that cashier guy, he sighed internally, dreading the name that awaited as he turned his phone over.

An unknown number.

    "Hello?" Jungkook asked, answering the call tiredly.

    "Uh, hi!" a voice said nervously.

Oh. It's Taehyung.



He definitely hadn't expected a call from him this soon, though he certainly didn't mind. Jungkook cleared his throat and ran a sweaty hand through his hair, trying his best to look presentable (it's not like he'll see me, idiot!) and hastily replied,

    "Hey, Taehyung! What's up?"

    "Ah, nothing really. Jimin just went to bed, so I got bored and figured I might as well talk to you."

    "Ah, so I'm your second choice."

    "Yeah, but at least you're self aware," Taehyung chuckled. Jungkook felt a shiver run down his spine. He didn't realize just how low and baritone he sounded until his voice was right in his ear. He walked back over to the couch and sat down, rubbing his thighs awkwardly.
    "Jimin's the guy who Namjoon tattoed the other day when we met, right?" Jungkook asked.

    "Yeah," Taehyung replied. "He's my roommate." Jungkook heard shuffling through the phone- it sounded like he was laying down in his bed. He tried to imagine what Taehyung's room looked like- it was probably warm and colorful, just like him.

    "So," Jungkook continued after a moment. "What do you do?"

    "What do you mean?"

    "Well, I work at the parlor, obviously," Jungkook explained. "So I was just wondering what it is that you do. Like, your passion."

    "Ah, I see," Taehyung chuckled lightly. Jungkook could almost picture the way his mouth formed a box when he laughed or smiled. He felt his face grow a little warm.

    "I'm a student," Taehyung explained. Jungkook laid back down on the couch, staring out the window at the star filled sky. With the way Taehyung's voice filled his head, it was almost like he was right there next to him.


    "What do you study?"

    "Ah, well..."

    "I won't judge," Jungkook assured him. "I'm literally a drop out, so you're fine."

    He heard Taehyung sigh. "I'm... an artist. A painter."

    An artist.

    "That is... so fucking cool!" Jungkook exclaimed, and he meant it. Why was Taehyung even nervous? If Jungkook could paint he wouldn't be able to shut up about it.

    Taehyung laughed at his enthusiasm. "Really? Most people look down on it. Or ask me why I don't just get a 'real job', whatever the hell that means."

    "Screw most people," Jungkook insisted. "If I listened to most people I'd be like, an accountant or something. And I'd be miserable."

    "Yeah, you're right," Taehyung said. Jungkook couldn't see his face, but he could imagine that he was grinning.

    "Do you have like, an art studio or something?"

    "Yeah, actually," Taehyung said happily. "At my school. I go there basically everyday. It's usually empty, so... it's kinda like my safe space, I guess."

    Jungkook could almost imagine Taehyung sitting alone on the floor of the art studio, wearing his little sweater vest, paint all over his face, creating some sort of masterpiece as the morning sun gently filtered in.

    "That sounds awesome," Jungkook told him. "I wish I could see it. My old school never had anything like that! I used to have to sketch my tattoo ideas in my math notebook."

    Taehyung laughed quietly. The clock already read 1 am. It was getting late, but Jungkook really didn't want to hang up yet.

    "...You know," Taehyung's voice said softly after a while. "I'll probably spend most of tomorrow at the studio, since I don't have work or class. You could always... visit?"

    Jungkook sat up, heart racing. "Do you mean it? Are you sure I won't interrupt you?"

    "No, of course not," Taehyung assured him. "It gets kinda lonely there sometimes anyway. And... I miss you."

    He misses me.

    "I- yeah, I'll stop by," Jungkook rushed. "I get an hour break around noon, if that works?"

    "It does," Taehyung breathed. "It's, um, getting late though, so..."

    "Right," Jungkook muttered, snapping out of his trance. "Uh... sleep well!"

    "Yeah you too," Taehyung giggled.

    He fucking giggled.

    "Bye, Kook."

    "Bye, ...Tae."

    Jungkook hung up, letting his phone fall down onto the couch next to his head, staring up at the ceiling wordlessly. His heart was beating way too fast, sending tingles down to his fingers and his toes.

    Jungkook had no idea what he was getting himself into, and he was sure that he would eventually fuck it up, but as for now... Well, he couldn't wait for tomorrow.

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