Chapter 6- The Holy Grail

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    Jungkook hated to admit it, but he was beginning to notice the way his heart sped up when he was around his new "friend".

    The first time it had happened was a few days ago when he visited Taehyung and Jimin's apartment for the first time.

    Taehyung was sick.

    Nothing serious, thank god, but Jimin had called him frantically one late afternoon asking him to pick up soup and medicine on his way home from work, insisting that Taehyung was too unwell for him to leave and get the supplies himself. Jungkook was more than happy to help, but the way Jimin had worded Tae's condition had Jungkook swerving through the streets on his motorcycle like a madman in search of the Holy Grail.

    When he had finally arrived to the address Jimin had sent, however, it was clear that all Taehyung had was a mild cold.

    "Jesus, Jimin, you nearly gave me a heart attack," Jungkook whisper-scolded as they stood in the doorway of Taehyung's room, the Holy Grail (aka a cup of chicken noodle soup and a bottle of advil) gripped tightly in his shaky hands. "You made it seem like he was fucking dying!"

    "Well sorry," Jimin grumbled, folding his arms defensively over his pink sweater. "Tae never gets sick, he's always the one who takes care of me. I panicked."

    Jungkook snorted, finding himself unable to stay mad at the little guy. He didn't know Jimin very well, but it was obvious he cared a lot about Taehyung, and that was good enough for him.

    Jungkook finally entered Taehyung's room, crouching beside his bed where he lay bundled up and sleeping under his bright, flower-print covers. He looked feverish, with flushed cheeks and slightly sweaty hair, but he definitely wasn't "on the brink of death", as Jimin had so graciously put it.

    Jungkook placed the soup and the advil on Taehyung's bedside table, which was painted over with whimsical scenery and colorful plants. In fact, his entire room was full of bright colors, from posters to fairy lights to grass carpet (that's a thing??) and clouds that hung from the ceiling, illuminating the room in a soft, warm glow.

    It was all very... Taehyung.

    Jungkook heard Jimin shuffle in behind him, holding what he realized to be a glass of water and setting in down next to the soup on the table. Jimin shook Taehyung's shoulder lightly.

    "Wake up, Tae," he whispered, running his fingers gently through his roomate's hair. For the briefest moment Jungkook felt a strong urge to slap Jimin's hand away and do it himself.

    "What time is it?" Taehyung slurred groggily, rubbing his eyes and propping himself up on his elbows.

    "Almost 12 am," Jungkook said softly, taking the bottle of advil and pouring three of the orange pills into his palm. "Here, take this."

    Taehyung finally noticed Jungkook, and his eyes widened just slightly. His face quickly became very red, though Jungkook figured it was just his fever acting up.

    While Taehyung took the medicine, Jimin stared at Jungkook knowingly. Jungkook just coughed and pretended he didn't see.

    "Well, thank you for picking this all up, Jungkook," Jimin said a little too loudly. Taehyung didn't flinch, though; he was probably used to it. "It's pretty late, so I'm going to head off to bed." Then, as he turned in the doorway to give them both one last knowing look, "Feel free to take the couch if you want, Jungkook." He winked and was gone.

    Jungkook cleared his throat awkwardly. "Sorry to intrude," he whispered sheepishly. He didn't know why he was being so quiet, but Taehyung looked very peaceful in the dim, warm light and Jungkook, unlike Jimin, did not wish to disturb that peace.

    "Are you kidding? Thank you for going out of your way to help me like this," Taehyung insisted. "I swear Jimin is completely useless sometimes."

    Jungkook laughed lightly. He was still sitting on the floor (on the awesome grass carpet, to be exact) next to Taehyung's bed. It was pretty low, however, so their faces were at eye level when Taehyung propped himself up just slightly.

    "Well, I'm glad I could help you," Jungkook admitted quietly. "And besides, it gave me an excuse to see you today."

    Taehyung's face went red again. Maybe it wasn't the fever this time.

    Taehyung sighed, laying back down on his side so he was facing Jungkook and pulled the blankets up under his chin. His dark brown curls fanned out across the pillowcase, and as his eyes fluttered shut, Jungkook realized just how long and pretty his eyelashes really were. His nose was pink with fever. Jungkook really wanted to kiss it.

    Wait, what?

    "You don't have to take the couch," Taehyung yawned, snuggling further into the covers. "It's nice and warm in here."

    Jungkook did not miss the way his heart sped up at the idea of sleeping in the same bed with his- uh, friend.

    "I... that sounds great, really, but you're sick," Jungkook weakly protested, though he knew deep down that his heart really wasn't in it.

    "If you get sick I'll just take care of you," Taehyung mumbled, already half asleep. "We can share the soup."

    Jungkook sighed, checking the time on his phone. It was already past midnight, and he really didn't like riding his motorcycle alone this late at night. He could always take the couch, but... well, the couch didn't have Kim Taehyung.

    Taehyung opened his eyes and looked directly at Jungkook, smiling slightly, as if he could somehow read his mind. "Please," he whispered, jutting out his bottom lip slightly.

    Jungkook sighed loudly in an attempt to hide the way his stomach fluttered. "Fine, you win," he said at last, kicking off his shoes and jacket and clambering over Taehyung to the opposite side of the bed. He lifted the covers and slid easily underneath, Taehyung's back now facing him.

    That was a good thing, considering how poorly Jungkook was holding himself together.

    Taehyung reached behind himself, feeling around for a moment, before he located Jungkook's arm and weakly pulled it over his waist.

    "Cold," he whined.

    Jungkook swallowed hard.

    "I better not wake up with a fever," he grumbled, but he still scooted closer until Taehyung's warm back was pressed against his front and held him tightly until they both drifted off into a comfortable sleep.

    When Jungkook woke up the next morning he found that he was in fact very sick. That was okay, though, because Taehyung's face was the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes.

    That, and the promise of chicken noodle soup.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2020 ⏰

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