Chapter 4- A Rose with Thorns

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    Taehyung hadn't exactly intended to invite someone he'd known for less than 24 hours to visit his sacred art studio; and yet here he was, sitting on the wooden floor, covered in paint, waiting for Jungkook.

It hadn't even been Tae's idea to call him- Jimin had practically forced him to. Apparently he was being a "wussy about his feelings," and "if you don't make a move soon then I will," or some shit like that. Needless to say, Taehyung would have done anything at that point to just get his roommate to shut up, so before he knew it he was dialing the tattoo artist's number.

    Maybe it was the low vibrations of Jungkook's voice through the phone, or his eager reassurance that everything would be okay, or the way he made Taehyung feel like his fingers and chest were on fire, but something had caused him to give in last night as he lay in his tiny bed, staring up at the ceiling.

Taehyung missed Jungkook.

And that was weird, wasn't it? Considering they had known eachother for such a short amount of time?

Taehyung had no idea what this feeling was, but it was powerful. So powerful, in fact, that Tae found it extremely hard to breathe as the younger man knocked lightly on the doorframe of the studio with his tattooed knuckle, his other hand clutching what appeared to be a motorcycle helmet.

"Hey there," Jungkook said quietly, smiling so sweetly that his doe eyes formed little crescent shapes.

"Hi," Taehyung replied, watching intently as the tattoo artist placed his helmet on one of the drying racks. He was wearing a denim jacket today rather than the classic leather, though it was still black to match the rest of his attire. His hair looked a bit messy from his helmet, his cheeks a bit flushed from the wind.

"Whatcha workin' on?" Jungkook whispered as he tip-toed over to where Taehyung sat hunched over his canvas. He plopped down criss-cross-applesauce directly next to him, so close that their knees were practically on top of each other. Taehyung immediately felt his heart speed up due to the sudden contact, though Jungkook's cologne definitely wasn't helping either.

"Why are you whispering?" Taehyung finally chuckled. Jungkook turned to him, surprised, then smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry," he laughed. "You just looked so peaceful, I thought you might want me to be quiet." He fiddled with his fingers anxiously.

"Why do you seem nervous?" Taehyung asked him curiously. It wasn't that Tae himself wasn't extremely nervous around Jungkook, especially since he was finally accepting the fact that he was developing a crush on him, but Jungkook looked so... cool. Confident. What could he possibly be worried about?

"It... it's nothing, really," Jungkook assured him. "I'm just stressed. With work and stuff."

Taehyung frowned. He was still fidgeting.

Taehyung reached over into Jungkook's lap and took his left hand in his own. The other man tensed up at first, but slowly relaxed. Tae began to play with his fingers, tracing over the markings on his knuckles. He wasn't really sure what had come over him, but he didn't like seeing Jungkook nervous or stressed or whatever it was, and his hand was warm and soft against his palm.

"When did you get these?" Taehyung asked him, gently stroking the black ink on his fingers.

"Um," Jungkook coughed, running a shaky hand through his dark locks. "A few months ago, actually. I started running out of space on my arms and chest, so..."

Jungkook's chest was covered in tattoos.

Holy shit.

Taehyung hummed happily, relishing in the feeling of Jungkook's hand in his own. As wonderful as it was, he knew they couldn't stay like this if he was going to get any work done, so he slowly let go of the other boy and reached instead for his paintbrush and palette.

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