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It was during the late evening when Namjoon woke up from the deep yet short slumber. Realising what the time was, he shook the small body next to him lightly. The sudden shake made her wakeup. Both are still half asleep but still went to the bathroom to wash their face and adjust their hair.

Packing their stuffs, they head back to her house, locking the door behind him.

Her house was around the corner where they can see bright lights in the house with laughters that are so loud it can be heard from the outside.

Must be Jin..

They chuckled at the thought of it.

Slowly, she turned the doorknob and the laughter that filled the air was cut as they turned to the door.

The two awkwardly head in still not used in being in a relationship in front of the members. They cleared their throat and Namjoon brought her closer to him by the waist. Embarrassed by his act, her cheeks turn into a shade of red.

"Okay guys. So uh... We're officially together," he said and intertwined the hands and put them up.

The seven members look at each other while grinning from ear to ear before clapping and cheering them. They gave the newly couple a congratulations and hugged both of them into a group hug.

Jin and Yoongi offered to cook for dinner while the rest sat at the front watching Netflix. It was the great way to end the long week of school... with their friends and a sleepover.

The End.

Hey guys!!

so that concludes the end of namjoon's story :((

im so sorry it's super short but I'll try my best to write longer chapters in the future.

i hope you guys can look forward to my next story - JHope ofc hehe❤️

till then, take care and stay safe!! i love you guys!!❤️🤧


That Smart Guy - Kim Namjoon [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now