Medusa Gorgon

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Ichigo felt like a diseased pet of some sort.. the entire class the next day was taken up by all his "friends" staring at him.. as if thinking that he was some sort of strange outlandish creature, never before seen. Ichigo didn't really feel hurt or anything.. as far as he knew.. he'd only known these guys for about less then a week.. but it was pretty darn irritating..

Patty didn't care of course.. she kept on poking his shoulder and giggling to herself.. Ichigo wondered how they had started dating.. or least how everybody thought they had started dating in their disillusioned minds...

At the head of the class.. the teacher, Dr. Franken Stein, was rolling around on his rolly chair, writing down random equations on the board with a piece of chalk..

"Alright everyone.. today is going to be a review on Soul Resonance.." said Stein lazily as he winded the dial on the side of his head in a creepy, unhinged manner..

In fact, the more Ichigo looked at Dr. Stein, the more the Frankenstein's Monster looking doctor seemed to remind him of a certain doctor from his world, who tended to have a craving for dissecting things himself.

"Ichigo.." said Stein. "You haven't done anything this week.. why don't you demonstrate Soul Resonance to the class? With Zangetsu of course.. though I won't mind if Zangetsu doesn't say anything.. I know he's shy.."

"He certainly isn't.. " Ichigo heard Tsubaki whisper from behind him..

Ichigo sighed. What the hell had Zangetsu said to her?

"WAIT!!" said Excalibur from where he sat on Ichigo's right. "As his partner, Ichigo should be performing Soul Resonance with me!!"

"Oh jeez no.." Ichigo muttered. Then again, when he thought about it.. he had no idea what the heck Soul Resonance was.. or if he could even do it.. probably not.. if he wanted to keep his cover and keep everyone from beating on him and thinking he was the imposter of somebody they never even knew in the first place, it was probably better to do Soul Resonance with a weapon that actually knew how to do it..

"Fine.." Ichigo muttered. "Let's go.. Excalibur.."

"Wait!!" said Excalibur jumping up. "First!! I must perform a little song in light of this momentous occasion!! Our first Soul Resonance together!!!"

"Please don't." Ichigo muttered.

"Excaliburrrr.. Excaliburrrr.." Excalibur sang as he danced around spinning his cane. "From the United King, I am looking for him! I'm going to Californiaaaaaa!!! Excaliburrrr Excaliburrrrr.. EXCALIBURRRRR!!!"

This went on for several minutes.. where Excalibur merely repeated the same lyrics over and over..

Everyone groaned.. Black Star looked like he wanted to puke with disdain.. Kid was covering his ears, sweat pouring down his face as he muttered. "the beat isn't ballanced.. the beat isn't ballanced.. the beat isn't ballanced.. the beat isn't ballanced.. the beat isn't ballanced.. the beat isn't balanced!!"

Finally after about a few more minutes of singing, Ichigo kicked Excalibur straight in the face. And Excalibur fell out of his chair.

Everybody gasped.. they had never seen anybody act disrespectful towards the Holy Blade before.. even if he was annoying..

Excalibur jumped up. "Yes.. well noted Mother Goose.. let us begin.."

"Jeez.." said Liz. "Those two really are the perfect duo.. Ichigo's the only one with enough moxy to put that annoying prick in his place.."

"Alrighty then!! Let us do this Mother Goose!!" Excalibur morphed in a tremendous golden light.. turning into a golden sword with a beautiful golden hilt.. Ichigo took the sword and sighed. "Yeah.. sure.. let's do this.."

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