Lord Death.

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Lord Death stood within his strange.. moving cloud covered and heavily decorated room.. staring at the large ornamental mirror that stood before him. His cartoonish skull mask.. and his karate-chop like hands, gave him a rather childish and goofy appearence..

In fact it was hard to believe that he was the Grim Reaper. The God of Death... Of course back in the old days, before the DWMA, he had been much more terrifying and imposing. His mask looked like a demon skull from hell his stature was much more large and intimidating.. he had claws instead of normal hands.. and his voice!! Oh his death voice was so darn fun!!

Then he realized that if he was going to start a school for kids, it wouldn't be a proper look since it would more likely scare everyone away.. so he took on the personality, voice, and look of what he hoped was a jolly, good natured, headmaster. And after he had gotten used to it.. it had actually become his personality.. (He still used his Death Voice from time to time.. oh boy did he love his Death Voice.)

"Excuse me.. Father?"

Death turned around to find Death The Kid standing there. "Hello Kiddo!! How's it going!? Come to see your old man hmm?"

"Father..I wish to know if there's something you know about Ichigo being in this world.." said Kid. "Nothing seems to make sense.. as far as I've checked.. my mind shows no signs of tampering.. even though it's been so obviously tampered with.."

"Sorry Kiddo, I can't honestly tell you anything except that whoever Ichigo is.. he definitely isn't of this world.."

"And what exactly do you mean by 'not of this world'?" said Kid narrowing his eyes. "What's going on here?"

"I know about as much as you do in this Kiddo!" said Death with a shrug. "But don't you worry about it!! I'm sure we'll figure it out in no time!!"

"Really?" said Kid narrowing his eyes. "And that's what you REALLY think?"

"Why yes!" said Death.

Kid remained silent. "Fine.. Father, if you need me.. just call..."

Kid walked back through the entrance of the room... passing Ichigo by on the way..

Kid's eyes widened suspiciously as he watched the confused Ichigo aproach Lord Death.. before finally exiting the room.

"So.." Ichigo muttered, staring at the Grim Reaper. "You're supposed to be the God of Death?"

"You bet your monkeys I am!!" Lord Death exclaimed, holding up peace sign at Ichigo. "Great to meet you Ichigo!! I've heard plenty of good things about you!!!"

"Not what I expected.." Ichigo muttered to himself. "But sure.. thanks.. so are you going to explain what all this crazy that's going is?"

"Well, if I could explain it.. I could.." said Death. "But right now..even I'm sort of in the dark. So far, I have quite a lot on my plate.. don't go telling anybody this.. but we have a mole in our staff... we've already caught her.. but she doesn't know she's caught yet.. it's a very delicate situation.."

"You're talking about Medusa.. the nurse." said Ichigo.

"Very good!!" said Death cheerfully. "You're a bright one!!"

"Well finally somebody in this world thinks so.." Ichigo muttered.

"In any case.. I think we can use this oppertunity." said Death. "After all, you Soul Reapers as far as I remember, have a duty to preserving the world, correct?"

"Yeah.." said Ichigo.

"Well what better way to do that then working for the Academy until we find a way to return you to your world!?" said Death. "You have no obligation to do so of course, considering that you aren't really a student, I'll actually pay you for your services like our staff!"

Soul Reapers Work For Death: Book 1, World of DeathWhere stories live. Discover now