Frogs On Ice.

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The room was dark... very dark... from within the dark room.. a boy awoke.. he wore a black kimono.. and a white coat with the japanese character for 10 on the back of the coat..He had white hair and a green scarf... and a katana was sheathed to his back.. in reality.. he actually looked about the age of a grade schooler.. though his face spoke of years of experience..

The boy looked around the dark room feeling rather confused. "Rangiku...? Rangiku!! How many times do I have to tell you.. pranks are unbecoming of Squad 10!... Oy!! MATSUMOTO!!!"

No answer...

The boy walked over to the window of the room where moonlight was streaming in and looked out..

"It looks like... Paris.." The boy muttered.

The boy paused for a moment, then suddenly jumped back, looking shocked. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THE MOON!?"


"So this is Paris huh?" Ichigo stepped out of the cab holding a suitcase as Patty followed suit. "Man I'm glad I was able to ditch Excalibur around the baggage claim.."

"Aren't you worried about how lost Excalibur is right now?" Patty asked.

"Hold that thought." said Ichigo taking out a Giraffe hand puppet from his pocket. "Look! It's a Bobby the Giraffe!!"

"Yay yay!!" Patty clapped her hands, completely enthralled by the hand puppet and completely forgetting about Excalibur.

Ichigo had pretty much figured out that Patty was the easiest girl in the world to get. She liked giraffes.. and was almost always happy.. she was like a childish version of another girl Ichigo knew from his world... only he had no doubt that Orihime was way more mature.. despite her odd tastes..

"Alright.." said Ichigo picking up Patty's suitcase for her. "We've already got some sort of hotel booked here.. and we're supposed to collect some Kishin eggs that have been reported to be around here after we're done unpacking... so let's just-"

Before Ichigo could finish saying anything.. Patty suddenly started hugging his arm and humming cheerfully.

Ichigo stared for a minute.. watching Patty's PDA (Public Display of Affection) with a bit of bemusement. He hadn't fully thought about the fact that Patty actually thought she was his girl friend until now... it was rather odd... but the more Ichigo watched Patty hug his arm...

Ichigo shook his head. No.. this wasn't right, he didn't know her.. it wasn't right to play any girl's feelings like this.. but then again.. who would believe him if said the truth? Half the school already thought he was a crazy head..

He sighed and continued to walk through the streets of the nighttime Paris.. meanwhile.. though he didn't know it..  There was a strange girl  sitting on top of what appeared to be a large black cartoonish tadpole flying through the sky..

This girl.. by any regards.. just so happened to be a Witch. Witches were one of the many things that were hunted by Meisters of the Academy. In order for a weapon to become a Death Scythe, it had to devour 99 Kishin eggs and one Witch's soul..

Of course, on this mission, Ichigo knew there was no way Zangetsu was going to eat souls.. so he decided to let Patty do all the eating..

This witch in particular, was named Eruka Frog.. and the Frog name was well given.. as Eruka bore quite the resemblence to a frog. She had dots on either end of the corner of her mouth.. giving it a frog-like look, and her pointed witch's hat was orange with a frog face on it. She wore a black skirt dress with white polkadots and black leg stockings..

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