General Deception (both parts)

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A/N: I'm done with outfits now! Anyways, without further ado, "General Deception Parts 1 & 2"

     Tori and Sofia were helping the boys pack up Tori's van for their big camping trip.

"I thought you boys were only going camping for a few days. This is enough gear to outfit a whole city," Tori complained as she and Sofia piled the luggage into the back.

"What? It's just the necessities," Hunter countered. Dustin walked out with a television.

"A TV? Are you kidding me?" Sofia exclaimed.

"Yeah, how else are we supposed to watch Supercross tomorrow?" Dustin interrogated.

"You're not supposed to watch Supercross, Dustin. That's why it's called 'roughing it,'" Tori reminded him. The two girls shut the trunk and walked to the van doors.

"If man was meant to rough it, then why did he invent portable generators?" Shane asked.

"Just get in the darn van before we change our minds," Sofia grumbled, climbing into the middle front seat.

"Thanks for giving us a ride," Blake thanked them, climbing in next to Sofia while the others piled into the back seat.

"No problem! We wouldn't miss seeing you guys in the wild for the world," Tori responded. "Plus, this way, we know how to find you when things go horribly wrong."

"I want to see what Mr. Navy Thunder Ranger over here will do without the pretty blue ranger around to keep him sane," Sofia teased.

"Yeah, haha, come on, we're highly trained ninjas. What could happen?" Blake scoffed.

The doors slammed shut and the van began moving.

Ninja Ops

"Nothing. No form of alien presence anywhere. Something's just not right," Cam muttered as he ran a scan over the forest.

"I agree. Lothor has been far too quiet," Sensei agreed.

"You don't think he's thought better of things and just left, have you?" Cam inquired.

"Alas, I am certain that is the last thing he would do," Sensei sighed. "This prolonged silence can only mean one thing. He is planning his biggest attack yet."

"Well, I've been working on several new features for the Samurai Star Megazord. I just hope they're ready in time," Cam said.


"Oh, come on! Let's get started already," Kapri whined.

"Yeah, where's Zurgane? Isn't he supposed to be here?" Marah wondered.

"I'm right here," Zurgane's gravelly voice answered behind them. "This meeting is for evil army officers only. What are you two doing here?"

"Uh, well, we know we're not technically officers, but we just thought, you know, since..." Kapri began to respond.

"GET OUT!" Zurgane yelled. The sisters covered their ears.

"You don't have to yell," Marah complained.

"Yeah, we don't want to listen to a bunch of losers anyway," Kapri taunted. The evil generals let out cries of protests.

"Yeah, losers," Marah agreed.

"Yeah, we got lots of better things to do with our time," Kapri bragged.

"We do?" Marah stupidly asked.

"OUT!!" Zurgane screamed.

The sisters rushed out of the meeting room. Zurgane sighed and turned to the rest of the villain generals.

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