Outrunning Karma

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Hello! Taisske here! This is my first fiction and i'll try my best to make my writing enjoyable even though english isn't my native language! I created the whole thing thinking it took place into an anime so in my head the characters are in that style! I'll probably try to draw them too in the future but for now i'll have to ask you to use your imagination! i hope you'll enjoy reading it! ;)

Seiya's POV

Mochizaki Mansion

6:30 a.m.

"Mochizaki-kun... Mochizaki-kun wake up... wake up or you're gonna be late for school."

A listless grunt leaves my mouth as i roll myself up in the warm bedsheets even more, turning my back to the person talking to me and hiding my face in the soft pillow.

"... Mochizaki-kun, please... you know your mother will be disappointed if you're late to class on your first day"

My sleepy body stiffens imperceptibly as i realize what the housemaid has just said and i finally decide to open my eyes, still unwilling to get out of bed. I hear the curtains opening as the morning light enters the room through the tall windows, allowing some fresh air to reach my comfortable twin size mattress, making me shiver a little. The next thing i see is the wrinkled face of the housemaid staring right into my eyes as she smiles reassuringly*

"So you're awake! Look at those pretty eyes of yours finally opening up. I'm sure lots of girls will be charmed by such peculiar feature... not many people have different eye colors but you're special I say."

I shut my eyes closed in the second she mentions the fact that they differ one from the other and slide under the white linen blanket trying to gain some more time in bed. All of a sudden i find myself unwrapped from the scented covers, that are quickly thrown on the floor, and wince feeling my naked chest tickled by the cold breeze.

"You should stop despising your eyes Mochizaki-kun, they truly are beautiful and unique... they look like a sapphire and an emerald... i've seen your mother wear plenty of those precious gems and they are simply magnificent."

I'm so fed up with listening to her nonsense that i slowly get myself out of bed while yawning, still totally exhausted from my sleepless night. I ruffle up my dark brown hair just enough so that it will cover my face partially and hide my blue eye. I glare slightly at the housemaid as i stretch my arms letting my ribs and abs show through the pale skin.

"Get out of here. I'm up so you might as well leave now. I'll get changed and go to school, just tell my mother i behaved"

I blurt it out quite abruptly while stumbling into the bathroom still incredibly tired and starting to wash my face with cold water. I begin brushing my teeth, sporadically glancing back at the housemaid who doesn't seem to be intentioned to leave the room any time soon, which leads me to bark at her once again*

"Didn't you hear me? Go away."

"your mother isn't home Mochizaki-kun, she's on the movie set already, they had to film a scene at dawn."

"i know, so what?"

"well i can't grant your request to let her know that you were obedient... not until she comes back at 11:20 tonight."

I spray some perfume on myself while wearing a black oversized hoodie  (which is actually a medium size but it's way too big for me) and a pair of matching trousers. As i put on my shoes i take some steps towards the housemaid, barely hiding my annoyance, and literally throw the landline phone at her carelessly.

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