Shades Of Cool

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Hi! I know in the latest chapters it's probably obvious how indecisive i am between writing more romantic interactions or add mysterious elements but i hope you don't mind. It's always interesting to me to figure out all the details as i write instead of planning everything ahead! Anyways, enjoy!

Hoshi's POV

Fukumoto High School (main hall)

12:30 a.m.

"Seiya-chan stop! Please wait for me! There's something really really important i must absolu-"

I'm yelling in the middle of the corridors, trying to keep up with the brown haired boy who's rushing throw the crowd, but before i can finish talking he suddenly stops and i bump against his back. I'm out of breath from almost running behind Seiya since he was ignoring me completely, i'm much shorter than him and therefore a lot slower.

"It's Mochiz- Nevermind! What's with you always ruining all my attempts to be discrete and not drag too much attention on myself?!"

He's pretending to be pissed but i know he's not really mad at me, that's just his way of saying he wants me to stick around but is embarrassed to ask, or at least that my personal interpretation. I wince imperceptibly as i notice him staring at me with that sparkling emerald eye of his, the other one is always covered by the soft hair.

"Oh, you were trying to go unnoticed? Right, that's something a killer undercover would do after all... are you choosing your next victim by any chance?!"

He rolls his eyes and starts walking away again which forces me to rush as i follow him through the corridors and towards the main hall; i smile, it's so much fun to tease him.

"Well, I couldn't possibly be more evident now that i'm walking by your side, you look like a unicorn threw up all over your hair and uniform. So then, what's the matter?"

I can hear people murmuring and glancing at us while we walk side to side, i know Seiya has the worst reputation but i don't really care, he's funny in his own ways and i like him. I don't mind other students talking behind my back, everybody thinks i'm amusing and i'm a great entertainer so i don't think anybody could actually hate me. I'm much more bothered by the fact that the brown haired boy seems to be looking forward to scare people away, that's pretty unsettling.

"Omg... i have to warn you about... you're in danger but..."

"you already forgot didn't you?"

"What, no!... yes... maybe?"

"too much gaming probably damaged your brain or something, i guess there's nothing to be alarmed about if you can't even remember it though. Now shoo away, we're done talking."

I pout while trying fixing my two messy pigtails, i sometimes wish i didn't have wavy hair, it's fluffy and pink so it almost looks like cotton candy but it's also a real pain to comb and style.When i finally manage to reach the boy in front of me, who's clearly trying to leave me behind while taking the less crowded routes, i playfully wrap my arms around him just be a little more annoying.

"Let. Go."

"Don't you know that opposites attract each other!? I'm not gonna give up so easily, psychopaths are always grumpy and gloomy, that's not going to discourage me at all!"

"Is there a way for you to shut up at least?"

"Sure! Hold my hand."

He immediately blushes and looks away, i do my best not to burst out laughing because of that reaction, he's so evidently flustered it's adorable.
Initially he's totally reluctant but it just takes me a couple more explanations about maniacs and romance in manga to get him to timidly stretch out his pale hand and uncertainly wrap his fingers around mine.

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