Greek God

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Here is the second chapter, i really hope you will like it! The titles of each part are songs i think match the overall theme of the chapter if you're in the mood you could always give it a listen as you read! I present you the second main character, i guess we could say he's one of the two protagonists, enjoy!

Takehiko's POV

Takehiko's house

6:00 a.m.

I am woken up quite abruptly by the insistent ringing of my alarm clock and immediately turn it off hoping it didn't wake up my mother who's still sleeping in the room nearby. She works in a factory during the night shifts and stresses herself over it way more and she should. Since my father died she's been struggling with money and can't afford to ever take a break from her job. I try to help her out as much as i can by working part time and trying to earn some money without neglecting my scholastic duties which, according to my mum, always come first. She really deeply cares for me and makes a lot of sacrifices to keep the monetary situation stable in our family, often ignoring her own needs and limits. I've never been a goodie two shoes but recently i've been practicing not getting in trouble, considering that i can't put any other burden on my mother's shoulders. I quickly get up and walk into the shower, sliding my slender fingers though my black hair which i carry in an undercut that gives me a more intimidating look. As i yawn loudly, while getting out of the cabin still dripping in warm water and surrounded by a slight haze, i catch a glance of myself in the mirror and notice with relief that the even though i don't often go the the gym, because of my many part time jobs, my physique is still lean and muscular as it has always been. I wouldn't say i put my appearance before everything else but i do care about the way i look and the sight of my six pack, still very evident under the pale skin, feels very satisfying. I brush my teeth and let my hair dry up by itself since i'm already in a hurry while simultaneously putting on a white t-shirt and a pair of black trousers. I almost stumble upon my laundry scattered around the room but somehow manage to slide into my shoes and grab the breakfast my mum has prepared for me the previous night before going to the factory. I don't have much time so i stuff the food into my mouth without really savoring it and then whisper a hurried, "good morning, i'm going to school" to my mother, before closing the door behind me and starting to run.

Fukumoto High School (class 3-F)

8:00 a.m.

In the moment i get finally reach my classroom a group of girls surrounds me, they aren't in my same section but in the morning i always find them waiting for me outside the door in an attempt to steal a little bit of my time. I don't really mind since i enjoy the attention as long as i'm not late to first period, which happens often considering i tend to miss the bus, so i  even grant them some elusive smiles while they blush all flustered.

"Abe-senpai! Have you grown taller?! You're 1.81 centimeters right? Maybe if i stand next to you i can see the height difference!"

"Good morning, Abe-senpai! I've missed you! I've sent many messages and photos to your number but you must not have got them... do you still exercise every day? you're always so fit!"

"Hello, Abe-san! Can you still give me a hand with my math homework after school this semester? I know many girls are going to ask you the same thing so i'm gonna be the first."

I would say i'm pretty popular in my school even though i never really meant for it to happen, i simply guess my rebellious behavior attracts girls and my leadership skills impress boys. I do appreciate being considered the representative of the institute because it means that even teachers get along with me and when i get in trouble or break the rules they always close an eye on it. Everybody counts on me to maintain balance and control over all the other students and sections, i'm not bothered by the responsibility per se, if not that sometimes it interferes with my jobs and i have to stay at school longer after classes.

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