The Boy In The Bubble

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Finally i'm posting chapter four! I have already written about seven chapters so far but i'm posting them gradually so that i won't mess things up! I'm growing attached to the characters and i hope you are too even though it would be wise to keep your distance from some! Anyways, enjoy!

Takehiko's POV

Takehiko's house

5:30 a.m.

"Onii-chan... Onii-chan! Oniiiiiiii-chan!"

Suddenly i feel some kind of heavy weight on my chest that won't allow me to breathe and my ice blue eyes disclose just to stare into an identical pair of cold irises.

"Onii-chan! Don't ignore me! It's an emergency!"

Realizing it's simply my annoying little sister, who after all is just a year younger than me, i close my eyes again while trying to make her move from my chest, on which she's comfortably sitting. She's still wearing her pink gaming headset with cat ears and her pastel lingerie since her room is often so hot that it's suffocating, considering it's full of electronic devices.

"What do you want now Hoshi?! You better have a really convincing reason for waking me up this early.. what time is it by the way?"

Her light pink hair is tied in a thick braid that falls right on my face as i speak, making me sigh as she places her controller on my forehead with an innocent and slightly confused expression.

"Don't be so rude Onii-chan! It's a matter of life and death!... i think it could be about three in the morning? I started playing at midnight so i can't be sure, i kinda lost track of time i guess!"

With a firm movement i throw both her and the joystick off me and glance at the clock on the wall that shows me how much of a sleepless mess my sister is at the moment. For some reason she always looks cute and pretty even after pulling one all nighter after the other, her room is usually paved with empty energy drinks cans and that's probably what keeps her running through the day.

"Did you stream all this time? You players really know no limits... remember we have school today, you can't sleep through all of your classes like you usually do!"

She massages her back and picks her baby pink controller back up before pouting and starting to play with a rebellious lock of wavy hair as she usually does when about to throw a tantrum over a nothingness.

"Well i had to! A new game was just released and my subscribers wanted me to try it out! I gained a lot of money from streaming tonight... don't you want me to help mum too?!... i knew i should have simply become a stripper."

She'd always been quite extravagant and a pretty peculiar individual, i'm not even so sure why she choose to dye her hair pink, she said that her fans would have loved it but it seems like a very futile reason to me personally. Anyways she looks adorable and has many friends in spite of her hyped personality, both in real life and on the internet apparently, she's always been more carefree and lively than me.

"You wouldn't last two seconds as a stripper Hoshi, last week you threw four bottles of shampoo at me when i entered the bathroom on you showering... anyways, what's the big deal? Please tell me you haven't caused a blackout in the whole neighborhood again!"

A childish frown appears on her face as she reacts to what i first said but then her ice blue eyes light up as she probably just then remembers about actually wanting to ask me something. I can tell that she's about to make some kind of request by the way her thin fingers slide awkwardly on the buttons of the pink controller.

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