Drama Club

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Hey! So this will be chapter five! I almost forgot to publish it but here it is even if it's a bit late! I hope you'll like exploring other characters point of view since for now i've only introduced a couple of them properly! Enjoy the reading!

Etzu's POV

Fukumoto High School (main entrance)

5:45 p.m.

As soon as i spot Takehiko's muscular silhouette in the distance i immediately start running towards that direction, letting my ponytail untie itself and the ash blonde hair fall back onto my shoulders. My white shirt is already a bit unbuttoned in the front so that my boobs look even more evident than they already do, i put my red lipstick and perfume back on in order to appear provocative as ever. I force a smile as i approach the school representative, pretending i wasn't right on the point to slap a possible homicidal maniac just a few minutes ago.

"Take-chan! Wait for me! You promised escort me to cheerleading practice after classes, dont you remember?!"

He finally stops talking to the group of students gathered all around and gives me the attention i deserve, as soon as those charming ice blue eyes lay on me my smile gets even brighter with satisfaction. He must have been having an important conversation since he's playing with his labret piercing out of nervousness but all i want right now is for him to focus on me.

"Of course i didn't forget babe, let me just discuss this relevant matter with the guys and then i'll be all yours, okay?"

I can't help but to let an almost imperceptible frown appear on my pretty face as cling to his arm acting all needy and subtly appreciating the fact that all the other boys are already drooling over me as if i'm the only girl in the world.

"But i'll be late to the evening training if we don't hurry up... i even drove all the way here on my motorbike so that you could use it too, i know you like it."

For an instant he looks really conflicted, i take a closer look and notice he's simply talking to some of the members of the music club, one of them is the pianist that has been replaced by the newbie. I pull him by his arm a little hoping this will be the last push that will allow me to have his full undivided attention.

"Come on, Take-chan! I'm the lead singer of the school orchestra after all, there's nothing you are about to organize with them that you can't settle with me!"

In the end he nods still a bit reluctant and waves at the other guys before walking away hand in hand with me. I have yet to hide my excitement for having regained his cares because there's still something we must definitely need to talk about.

"Why did share such informations with the rumored psychopath? Don't tell me you and him are friends now?!"

He suddenly stops and gives me the most confused look as if he has literally no clue of what is going on, that kinda irritates me even more and i cross my arms on my prosperous chest with a frown.

"He plays piano in the band with me, when i tried to chat with him today, not only he behaved like a total cocky brat, he also mentioned a couple personal info about us that he shouldn't have known. How are you gonna explain that now?"

He still seems quite unaware of how much that situation actually pisses me off but i have to keep my cool or we're just gonna end up fighting like the previous night.

"Babe have you got any idea of how fast and unrestrainedly rumors spread from class to class? People consider you and i the prince and princess of the school, of course they are gonna realize that something feels off if we're not together during the break as we usually are."

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