Cry Baby

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Hello! The story is finally starting to develop and i'm really excited about it! I hope you like what i've written so far and the different points of view in every chapter! Finally here you will read the first intense interaction between the main characters! Enjoy!

Takehiko's POV

Abe's flat (entrance)

10:00 p.m.

I shouldn't be smoking but right now i'm so pissed off that i really need a way to let out some of my anger without actually becoming uncontrollably aggressive. I still can't believe my little sister told all my deepest secrets to a complete stranger she barely knows, sometimes she can be way too innocent to realize that we live in an harsh world. I observe the grey smoke dance in front of me before it's carried away by the gentle breeze, the entrance hall in front of the stairs it's always pretty quiet and at this time nobody ever passes by. I'm almost starting to calm down a bit when suddenly i feel a presence right behind me that's progressively getting closer and closer.

"You should head back inside and check on her, i'm going home."

I immediately turn around just to see the mysterious newbie standing in front of me, he looks even more enigmatic in the darkness, as if a cryptic haze surrounds him and makes it hard to see through.

"You're definitely not in the position to tell me what i should and shouldn't do. By the way, i don't want you hanging out with my sister, if something happens to her you're not gonna get away with it."

For some reason he doesn't look intimidated at all, it's almost like my threatening tone has no effect on him, usually my powerful presence tends to frighten people but he continues to act careless.

"If you're so concerned about her why wouldn't you do as i said? She's just sitting on the floor looking like a broken plastic doll, it's pretty pathetic."

I don't get why he's being so insistent when it's clear that he doesn't give a damn about my sister, i would probably punch him again at this point if the plaster on his cheekbone wasn't so evident. He's above irritating, he annoys me in ways i can't even explain.

"It's none of your business! I know how to look after my family! I'm not a spoiled brat like you who only needs his parents to give him money and stuff!"

Unexpectedly he doesn't even try to talk back, he simply keeps looking right into my eyes with that only visible emerald one of his, he's completely unimpressed. Since the boy seem to have no intention of breaking that creepy silence i menacingly take a step forward while blowing the cigarette smoke right in his face.

"Anyways i'd appreciate immensely if you didn't tell anybody about what my sister revealed to you, it should remain a secret, clear enough?"

That's when a slight sly smirk appears on his lips, there's something unsettling about that expression, for some reason he looks kinda scary even though i'm so much taller and stronger than him. The boy coughs imperceptibly while waving his hand before his face to dispel the smoke which unexplainably appears to be the only thing bothering him at the moment.

"I literally couldn't care less about your past, it's not my problem and i don't want it to be. If you're so devoted to this household you should stop smoking here, that sign clearly said it's forbidden and you could even get kicked out as a consequence, not to mention that i dislike it a lot."

He points at a piece of paper hanged up on the wall, he's right of course but i never really cared since there's no one in charge of supervision in the common area. Before i can get even madder, considering i already have to hold back and pretend to be a lot calmer that how i'm actually feeling, he's the one to take a step closer towards me.

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